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Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Maya walked around the Santa Barbra Police Station as she normally did on a workday. Being a detective, she worked closely with a lot of people, two of which being her "partners" Carlton Lassiter, the head detective, and Lucinda Barry. Everyone knew Maya's partners were an item but no one spoke of it, it was just known information.

What was different on this "normal workday" was the fact that her old childhood friend walked through the doors. Of course, she knew he helped on some cases, some of which her own, so she wasn't surprised as to why he was there. As she saw him approach the reception desk and start speaking to Martha Allen, the desk sergeant, she laughed to herself before turning back to her work, knowing he would have a heck of a time trying to get her attention. Martha continued to speak on the phone, ignoring Shawn as she pointed to a bench with a recently arrested thug, who Shawn then tried to woo.

Maya approached just in time to see the "thug" brushing shards of something off his sleeve.

"Hey Shawnie," she greeted him.

"Maya," he greeted with a sing-song voice as he stood up to hug her.

"Call in another tip?" she asked with a smirk.

"How long have you known me?" he asked rhetorically, matching her smirk.

"Okay well, good luck with Martha, I have work to do," she explained before walking down the steps and out of sight.


As Maya walked down the hall toward an interrogation room, she saw the door at the end of the hall and heard the muffled sounds of Carlton reciting the Miranda Rights to someone.

"Wait, wait, wait, you're serious?" she heard Shawn ask, a slight panic in his voice that only she could pick up.

"A few hours in a holding cell might jog your memory," Lassiter retorted.

"What's going on? Shawn?" Maya asked as she approached.

"Price, do you know this man?" Lucy asked.

"Yeah. I went to school with him. Does someone want to answer me?" Maya asked authoritatively. While she wasn't the head detective, she held some power, and people were scared of her, meaning they respected her. So it was very rare that a question she asked would go unanswered. But this wasn't one of those times as Shawn quickly spoke up.

"I am a suspect in the stereo robberies," Shawn deadpanned.

"You can't be serious," Maya defended, turning to Lassiter.

"He had good information, and he has a criminal record," he responded.

"My dad arrested me senior year," Shawn mumbled, reminding her of what the incident was.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Dec 23, 2023 ⏰

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