The Vast Emptiness

Start from the beginning

"Yeah well if I'm ever off the deep end..." Kevin pointed to the Ultimatrix "I want no hesitation. Understand me?"

"Yeah. Listen since this is coming up...I need you to build a lock into this one." Ben says showing Alien-X with the dial down "This is too much power."

"I'll work on it tomorrow. Smoothies on me." Kevin said smiling.

"Ben! Why didn't you tell me?" Gwen asked.

"Because it was a promise from a friend." Ben said "Kevin said he was sorry about it all but...A part of me was screaming for me to get him off of you."

"Ben...weird question but what were you feeling the day we met Eunice?" Gwen asked.

"Oh absolutely stunned." Serena said "Ben's memory of her is just radiating."

"That Family Tree Feature tripped as soon as you brain had seen her as Gwen's daughter." Bellicus said "That piece of crap Ultimatrix had failed to Calibrate her as a Randomized Sample not an actual genetic relative."

"So Ben fell in love with her even if he was dating Julie at the time because..." Gwen dragged off.

"The Omnitrix was suppressing a deep love for you?" Serena said.

"Ohh Ben..." Gwen started "Shit why am I getting...why am I..."

"News flash Anodite, no body, no DNA, no Family Tree Feature." Bellicus said.

"Just get on with it!" Serena exclaimed.

"Motion to figure out how to get to one another?" Ben said.

"Seconded." Serena said.

"Motion passed."

Gwen heard outside "Motion carried: Retrieve Answer how to get to Gwen Tennyson has passed."

"Gwen think of your favorite memory with me." Ben exclaimed "We gotta think of the same one at the same time. It should slingshot us if we can think of the same thing."

"Go with the dance!" Serena said "I love that one."

The Omni-Energy and Mana had glowed as the two moved towards one another

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The Omni-Energy and Mana had glowed as the two moved towards one another.

A pair of arms wrapped around Ben as he was tackled by a glowing being of energy.

A pair of arms wrapped around Ben as he was tackled by a glowing being of energy

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"I wish you had a mouth right now." Gwen said with a hand to Alien-X face.

"Denied: Motion to form mouth not not passed." Three voices said.

"Sorry Gwen." Ben said moving his forehead to hers "You still with me?"

"Always." Gwen said "But I am getting tired, maybe I should close my eyes for..."

"Gwen stay with me." Ben said "You don't have a body to go back to."

Bellicus looked at Serena "You can help him now."

"I was under the impression you'd wanna see something dramatic." Serena said.

"True. We could let her fade from existence." Bellicus said.

"Doesn't existence have to exist for me to fade from it?" Gwen asked leaning against Alien-X.

"Gwen tell me exactly what's wrong!" Ben said holding her.

"Tired. Never been an Anodite this long." Gwen muttered into Ben's chest.

"Damn it guys, please save Gwen." Ben said.

"And what exactly do you propose we do?" Bellicus said "We're in nowhere, a human body would just get unmade again. We sure as shit ain't making her of all people a Celestialsapien."

"Damn it..." Ben said hitting his head with his fists "...Uh can you make another Omnitrix?"

"Uh I don't think that's as good an idea as you think Ben." Gwen says as her body flicked.

"Damn it just give her some energy please!" Ben said.

"Your the one with the locomotion." Serena says.

Ben moved Alien-X's arm and Serena helped feed positive energy into it.

Gwen had perked up immediately then went to spaced out.

"Woah." Gwen says looking at her hands "I'm glowing."

"It will burn off the excess eventually." Bellicus said about Gwen's new behavior.

Gwen pointed off in a direction "Giant flying cannon!"

Ben turned and said "What is that doing here?!"

"The ship is made to drop Annihilarrgenesistoriathimiorgost

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"The ship is made to drop Annihilarrgenesistoriathimiorgost." Serena said.

"What idiot would build a ship that would blow up whenever a new universe is born?" Bellicus asked.

Alien-X grabbed Gwen bridal style, which had her hugging his neck and kicking her feet laughing.

Floating to the blown out hole in the ship passing a threshold the entire external area seemed white and illuminated.

"So the ship has it's own lights?" Ben said.

"More like the bubble filters out the inky dark." Bellicus said.

"Wait that was an option?" Ben asked.

"Almost anything is an option if we agree to it. I thought the area fit the emotion at the time." Serena said.

Ben landed on the ship and saw the whole thing was offline except the Bubble preventing it from being destroyed.

"Guess we found our camp." Ben said to Gwen.


A Gwen x Ben fic this is.

And the Contumelia Ship being there is because there had to be a safety in it for when an Annihilarrgh goes off.

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