i love you

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My best friend, Rafe, had just ended a relationship with his now ex-girlfriend. We've been inseparable since grade 5, but little did he know that I've always had a secret crush on him. He seemed to be handling the breakup well, but I couldn't help but worry about him.

As I approached my locker to grab my biology textbook, I found Rafe leaning against it, lost in his thoughts. "Rafe, are you suuuure you're okay?" I asked, wanting to make sure he wasn't just putting up a brave front.

He smiled, still staring at me intently, and replied, "Y/n, I'm fine. Actually, I kinda broke up with her because I realized I like someone else."

My heart skipped a beat, and I tried to hide my excitement behind a playful giggle. "Wow, another new pretty girl?" I teased, shutting my locker and walking alongside him.

"Actually, she's not new," he said, fiddling with his fingers nervously.

Rolling my eyes playfully, I urged him, "Alright, Rafe, tell me the details."

Before he could say anything, the bell rang, startling us both. "Got to get to class!" Rafe exclaimed, already darting off to the other side of the hallway.

I looked around and noticed the empty hallway. "Oh, shit!" I mumbled, rushing to my biology class.

The day passed, and I couldn't shake the thought of talking to Rafe about his feelings. The clock struck 3:00 PM, and I was determined to find him before he slipped away from school. I searched frantically, checking his locker and the gym, the places where he usually hung out, but he was nowhere to be found.

"Where is Rafe?" I whispered to myself, feeling a mix of anxiety and anticipation.

Finally, in a crowd of his friends, I spotted his face. "Hey, Rafe, we need to talk," I called out, trying to sound confident.

"Woah, okay, okay, don't drag me too hard," he chuckled, clearly amused by my urgency. "Alright, just listen to me!" I said, playfully but firmly.

He sighed, playing along, "Yes, Y/n?"

"Who is it you like? I've been dying to know," I asked, hoping beyond hope that he'd say what I wanted to hear.

He chuckled again, adding to the suspense. "Okay, okay! I think you know her. She's really important to me because she understands me. And she's really beautiful, she makes me freeze every time I see her."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Could it be me? Was he finally talking about his feelings for me? My heart raced as I looked into his eyes, realizing he was talking about me.

"You must really care about her," I managed to say, trying to keep my voice steady even though my heart was doing somersaults.

Rafe smiled affectionately, leaning closer to me.
"Y/n, you're the dumbest person I've ever met," he teased, his laughter filling the air.

"Okay, that was just rude!" I exclaimed, playfully slapping his shoulder.

He laughed, his eyes locking with mine. "It's you!" he confessed, leaving me almost breathless.

Before I could respond, his lips gently met mine, and my heart soared. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I melted into the moment, feeling like I was floating on clouds.

When we finally pulled apart, I couldn't help but smile, my cheeks flushed with happiness. "I love you," he exhaled, burying his face into my neck.

"I love you too," I whispered, my heart bursting with joy. It was a moment I had dreamed about for so long, and now it was finally real. Our journey from best friends to something more had just begun, and I couldn't wait to see where it would lead us.

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