childhood bestfriend

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I come home from school, exhausted and ready to unwind. An hour later, my mom returns from work, bringing with her an unexpected surprise. "Hey, Mom," I greet her from the couch, not suspecting the news she's about to share.

"Honey, I have great news!" she exclaims, her voice brimming with excitement.

"What...?" I respond suspiciously, already anticipating that it might not be anything good.

"Remember your childhood best friend?" she asks, placing her bags down in the kitchen.

"No," I answer honestly

"I ran into his mom," she continues, a smile playing on her lips.

"Oh..." I reply, now i realize the truth as she said the word his. She's referring to Rafe. a sense of dread washing over me as I brace myself for her next sentence.

"And I asked if he could stay with us for a few days, and she said that'd be great!"

"Mom, you're not serious, are you?" I question, desperately hoping that it's just a joke.

"She is," a deep voice sighs as a tall man steps forward, emerging from the front door. It's Rafe, but he looks different now—more mature and undeniably attractive.

My eyes study every inch of his body, a mixture of awe and surprise filling me. "You brought him here!" I mouth silently to my mom, who gives me a knowing look.

"Show him to your room," she orders, interrupting my thoughts.

"What?!" I protest, utterly confused. "Why my room?" I ask, searching for an explanation.

"Because! Now go," she directs, leaving me with no choice but to comply. I roll my eyes, reluctantly making my way towards my room.

"You've grown up a lot," I say, attempting to make conversation as we enter my room.

"Thanks, can't say the same, though," he replies with a chuckle, his eyes wandering over me. I blush, feeling his gaze on me. It's an unfamiliar but exhilarating sensation.

"But your attitude hasn't changed," I retort, smiling cheekily as I open the door.

"Don't touch anything," I cross my arms, establishing rules right away.

"Do you count?" he teases, looking down at me again, his lips slightly parted. My heart flutters, and I stumble over my words.

"I'm kidding," he admits with a smirk, making me realize he's just as flustered. "Pass me a towel; I need to take a shower." He takes off his shirt, revealing a sculpted physique that makes my eyes widen.

"O-kay," I mumble, finally tearing my gaze away from his body, searching for a towel and handing it to him.

"Thanks," he says, throwing it casually over his shoulder as he heads towards the bathroom. I find myself blankly staring at his back, unable to shake off the thought that crosses my mind—damn, indeed.

I lie in my bed, scrolling through my phone, when my mom yells from downstairs, interrupting my thoughts. "Y/n, ask Rafe what he wants to eat," she calls out.

I groan, reluctantly getting up and knocking on the bathroom door. There's no response. I bang on it again, growing impatient. "Rafe, open up!" I yell, hoping he can hear me through the door. As I go to raise my hand to bang once more, the door swings open, and I find myself face to face with Rafe. My arm freezes mid-air, and my eyes widen at the sight before me. The steam from the shower envelopes him, his wet hair dripping, and a towel draped around his waistline. "What is it, Y/n?" he asks, stepping closer, his voice filled with a hint of amusement.

"My mom wanted to know what you wanted to eat," I say, trying to maintain composure as I look up at him, my gaze momentarily drawn to his defined abs.

"I'm good, I already ate. Tell her I said thank you, though," he replies casually, his gaze lingering on mine. Sensing my distraction, he smirks knowingly.

I nod my head, feeling a slight heat rise to my cheeks, and turn to walk away. But before I can take another step, I hear him call out my name. I pause and slowly turn back to face him, unable to tear my eyes away from his captivating presence.

"Yes, Rafe?" I respond, my voice tinged with curiosity, as I look back at him, I notice his abs.

"Well, first of all, quit staring at my abs," he teases, a mischievous glimmer in his eyes. I quickly avert my gaze, feeling a warmth spread across my cheeks. "And second..." Rafe pauses, a playful smile dancing on his lips. "You look good. It's been a while since the last time I saw you, though. I've missed you."

His words catch me off guard, causing my heart to skip a beat. The weight of his confession hangs in the air, and I can't help but feel a mix of excitement and vulnerability. The years apart have left an undeniable longing within me, a yearning for the connection we once shared.

"Missed you too, Rafe," I manage to say, my voice filled with both affection and a hint of longing. I hold his gaze for a moment longer, savoring the familiarity and the unspoken emotions between us.

But as the intensity of the moment threatens to overwhelm me, I gather my composure and take a step back walking to my room

2 days had passed since the shower incident, and I found myself lounging on my bed, mindlessly scrolling through my phone. The room was bathed in a soft glow from the evening light that seeped through the windows. Suddenly, Rafe walked into my room, interrupting my idle distractions.

"Whatchu doing?" he asked, his voice filled with curiosity. I looked up at him, momentarily caught off guard by his presence.

"Nothing," I replied, a hint of playfulness in my voice. Rafe approached the edge of the bed, a subtle sigh escaping his lips. It was clear that boredom had settled upon him.

I set my phone aside, feeling a flicker of excitement at the chance to spend more time with him. "Do you want to watch a movie?" I asked, looking up at him with anticipation. His smile widened, and his eyes lit up.

"Of course," he said, hopping onto my bed with a carefree demeanor. He settled beside me, and a rush of warmth surged through me as our bodies briefly brushed against each other.

We spent a few minutes deliberating over which movie to watch, our voices filled with playful banter and shared laughter. Finally, we settled on a choice. As the evening progressed, the room grew dim, signaling the late hour. we pressed play and allowed the movie to unfold before us.

With each passing scene, we became engrossed in the story, our attention fully captivated. Side comments and whispered observations danced between us, creating an atmosphere of intimacy and connection. Time seemed to melt away as we lost ourselves in the narrative, our hearts and minds intertwined.

Fatigue gradually washed over me, my eyelids growing heavy with the weight of the day. I fought against the drowsiness, not wanting to let the moment slip away. The movie continued to play, and as much as I wanted to stay awake, exhaustion took its toll. My eyes slowly shut, and I succumbed to sleep, leaning gently against Rafe's shoulder unwilling

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