upset confessions

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Rafe Cameron, the player of the school. His nickname is literally heartless. Yeah well I'm dating him. We've been dating for only 2 months and girls constantly come up to me telling me he doesn't love me and he's using me and so much more.

At this point I'm used to it and just ignore it, at- least that's what Rafe tells me to do. He always tells me he loves me and he's so caring. As I'm walking to class I hear Rafe and his friends by the bathrooms, I peek around the corner and eavesdrop. "I really don't see what you see in her" Topper says. I furrow my eyebrows, "Yeah I'm leaving her soon anyways" all of Rafes friends laugh and I feel a tear slip out of my eye.

I wipe it away and shake my head and walk to class. 45 minutes later class ends and the entire time I couldn't stop thinking about Rafe. I should've known, everyone tried warning me and I didn't listen. God I'm so stupid, I walk out of class and as usual Rafes waiting for me at my locker smiling at me. I roll my eyes and walk past him opening my locker.

"Babe what's your problem?" I look at him and slam my locker in anger. "You wanna tell your friends that your leaving me, they say that they don't see what you see in me. fuck you rafe" He stares at me in shock.

I roll my eyes and go to walk past him but he grabs my arm. I look at him and for a moment there I see his face soften but he quickly regains his dominance "I just don't love you anymore y/n" he says and smirks. Tears fall out of my eyes and I shake my head. "How could you be so heartless" his eyes widen at the nickname I have finally said to him and I walk away

rafe watches y/n walk away and a tear slips out of his eye. He wipes it away quickly and thinks to himself 'I'm crying?' He looks down and realizes he genuinely did love her

rafes pov

After Y/N left me, I felt a void in my heart. It was unlike any breakup I had experienced before. Maybe it was because Y/N genuinely cared about me, unlike the others who were only interested in my popularity and money. Topper and Kelce tried their best to bring back the old Rafe, but I just couldn't feel the same anymore.

I had changed. I no longer bullied freshmen, got detention every day, skipped class, or teased the Pogues. It seemed like a distant past that I couldn't connect with anymore.

"Rafe, come on, what's wrong with you, man?" Topper asked, shaking his head at me. I shrugged in response. Kelce chimed in, "Is this about that pathetic Y/N girl?" I glared at Kelce and pushed him against the lockers, my frustration boiling over. "Don't call her pathetic," I warned him, my voice filled with anger.

Kelce smirked, clearly enjoying provoking me. "You're in love with this girl, aren't you?" he teased. I released my grip on him and rolled my eyes, not wanting to engage in their mocking any longer.

"That's why you've been acting weird," Topper deduced. I glanced back at him, nudging him with my shoulder, and walked away, not wanting to hear any more of their comments.

As I made my way to class, the usual flurry of attention from girls surrounded me. They asked me out and showered me with compliments, but as always, I ignored them. None of them compared to Y/N, and I desperately wanted her back.

The entire day, I couldn't focus on anything but getting Y/N back. I stopped by a flower store, reminiscing about our first date. I remembered how I gave her pink roses, and she couldn't stop gushing about them and how much she loved them. A smile crept onto my face as I recalled that memory. I requested a bouquet of pink roses, along with a card and an apology letter.

In the letter, I poured my heart out:

Y/N, my love,

Please forgive me for what I said and did. I know I claimed not to love you anymore, but I couldn't have been more wrong. I can't stop thinking about you. I miss our daily cuddles and the way you always comforted me when I was upset. You supported me through every decision I made. I truly believed I could live without you, but I can't. I miss you, angel. Please come back to me. I love you.

I stopped writing, hoping that my words would mend the rift between us. Along with the letter, I purchased her favorite chocolates, knowing how she obsessed over them. With a heart full of hope, I drove to her house, a smile gracing my lips as I imagined what it would be like to be with her again.

Upon arriving, my heart pounded in my chest. Slowly, I approached her front door, my hands trembling with anticipation. I knocked, nerves coursing through my veins. The door swung open, and my smile faltered as I laid eyes on none other than JJ Maybank. The softness within me dissipated, replaced by a surge of anger.

"JJ, why are you here?" I questioned, my tone filled with hostility. He scoffed, returning the glare. "I could ask you the same thing. I'm here for Y/N. I want her back."

His chuckle only fueled my frustration, and I furrowed my eyebrows. "I thought you didn't love her anymore?" he taunted. I looked down and shrugged, feeling the weight of my past mistakes. "I know."

"You can go now. She doesn't want to see you," JJ stated matter-of-factly. Tears welled up in my eyes. I was about to walk away, accepting that I had hurt Y/N and needed to respect her wishes, when I heard her voice.

"Rafe?" The sound of her voice stopped me in my tracks. I turned around and saw my beautiful girl standing there, tears streaming down her face. A mix of emotions swirled within me as I reached out and wiped her tears away. "y/n im so sorry, i know about everything ive said but truthfully I'm in love with you," I confessed, hoping that my words would provide some solace.

Y/N widened her eyes, surprised by my admission. I decided to walk away, knowing that I had hurt her deeply. Even if it meant losing the love of my life, I wanted her to be happy. If Y/N was happy, then I would find happiness too.

y/ns pov

After Rafe walked away, leaving me with JJ at the doorstep, a whirlwind of emotions consumed me. As the night settled in, and I found myself alone in the quiet solitude of my room, my thoughts turned to Rafe. The memories of our love, coupled with the pain he had caused, swirled within me, leaving me torn and longing for resolution.

Unable to contain my feelings any longer, I reached for my phone and began typing a heartfelt message to Rafe, my fingers dancing across the screen with a mix of uncertainty and hope.

"Rafe, I can't believe what you did, and it still hurts deep within me," I confessed, the words carrying the weight of my emotions. "But I want you to know that I still love you. You're the one who truly understands me, and that connection is something I can't let go of easily."

With bated breath, I hit send, my heart pounding in my chest as I awaited his response. The minutes that followed felt like an eternity until finally, a message from Rafe illuminated my screen, his words filled with remorse and desperation.

"I love you, Y/N," he pleaded, his words raw with sincerity. "I can't believe I did what I did. I'm so stupid, and I can't bear the thought of losing you. You mean more to me than anything in this world. Please, find it in your heart to forgive me. I'll do whatever it takes to prove my love to you."

As tears welled up in my eyes, a mixture of emotions swirled within me. Rafe's admission of his wrongdoing and his unwavering declaration of love tugged at my heartstrings. I knew that forgiving him would not be easy, but the love we shared still burned brightly within me.

Taking a deep breath, I composed my response, pouring my own vulnerability into the words I typed. "Rafe, what u did hurt me deeply, and rebuilding trust will take time. But I can't say the love i had isnt there. Let's take this one step at a time, with open communication and a commitment to growth. If we're meant to be together, we'll find a way."

As I pressed send, a mix of apprehension and hope filled my being. I knew that the journey ahead would be challenging, but the connection we shared was worth fighting for. We both needed to work on ourselves, to learn from our mistakes, and to nurture a love that had been momentarily shattered.

Days turned into weeks, and we embarked on a path of healing and growth, individually and as a couple. We engaged in heartfelt conversations, opening up about our fears, our vulnerabilities, and our hopes for the future. With each passing day, the wounds began to heal, and the foundation of trust slowly rebuilt itself.

Through Rafe's unwavering dedication and genuine efforts to make amends, I started to see a change—a transformation within him that mirrored my own journey of self-discovery. Together, we navigated the complexities of forgiveness and understanding, holding onto the belief that love had the power to mend even the most broken of hearts.

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