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6:59 a.m

Dr. Dechavez


Good morning!



7:05 a.m.

Tita texted me and said you requested that she'll accompany you in your appointment today.

I should've been the one doing that, but it's okay. That's what you want and I'll follow that.

Can I at least drive for the two of you? I heard Tito's on a business meeting in Singapore.



2:27 p.m.

You did well in your session today. Small progress is still a progress.

I hope you like the tulips. I know those are still your favorite. I remember you telling me it would always be the beautiful flower you'll ever see.



12:32 a.m.

I went out with the boys. We had dinner then a few drinks.

They asked me about us..

You're right. They are really confused on what's the real score between us.. I never thought my actions would lead to this.

But remember, Gab, I did all of those because I care.

Because I love you. Still.

I told them I want to be with you again.

Aiden almost punched me. Said I was shameless and an asshole for having the audacity to demand for a second chance when I hurt you before.

Marco and Karl stopped him. Louie was just watching us. I guess he felt the same way Aiden is feeling. I couldn't blame them. They were with you that night. So, they know what you've been through.

If it weren't for Karl and Marco, I would've let him punch me. I deserve that.

I regret what I have done to you in the past, Gabrielle. I'm really, really sorry.

I'm sorry.

I love you.


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