Chapter 4

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The announcer shouted into the mic as the speaker boomed his voice, causing the audience mainly filled with school girls to cheer loudly for the approaching boxer.

A handsome young man approached with a smile that had all of the girls melting for him.

They chanted as the boy made his way to the ring.

"If you focus hard enough, you'd think they're chanting Aoki," a tall dark haired man joked to his two colleagues, a short soft face teen and a dark red haired man.
"Fuck you Kimura,"
The red head retort swinging at his friend who dodged the punching laughing at his friend. 

"Now Ippo, watch this fight closely, Tiger is a big prospect in the featherweight divison,"
Kimura explained to Ippo, who has yet to make his debut or get his boxing license. Ippo merely nodded his head.


The announcer shouted causing both Kimura and Aoki to look suprised, "Eleven and Oh and he is still fighting guys making his debut?" Aoki questioned.


"That's a badass name,"
Kimura noted with both companions nodding.


No one cheer but we're completely stunned as the boy made the walk to the arena with only a single thought on their mind.

"He's massive,"
Aoki and Kimura mumbled as Ippo nodded his head, "He has to be as tall as Takamura. Is he really a featherweight?" Ippo questioned as Midoriya made his way to the ring throwing his towel to reveal his many tattoos.

The whole arena went silent staring at Midoriya and only Midoriya, but even with all of the attention on him the boy felt nothing but excitement, grinning before letting out a massive war cry of a howl shocking everyone back to their senses.

"That's one scary featherweight, hopefully you'll never have to fight him," Aoki joked to Ippo who  watched Midoriya with a sense of wonder.

Stepping into the ring Midoriya's smile never faded, 'Don't know who the hell this guy is but if it means I can go pro early I ain't complaining,' Midoriya thought to himself as he stepped to the middle of the ring.

Standing face to face Midoriya towered over his opponent, Aoi's eyes met with Midoriya's chest while Midoriya looked at the top of Aoi's head.

"Touch gloves,"
The ref demanded as Midoriya and Aoi tapped before heading back to each others corner.

"Now kid with your height and reach keep the distance and jab him to death, Aoi has the type of power that will end the night with one punch okay," A coach explained to Midoriya, he was the coach to Aoi's original opponent that had to pull out due to tripping over a wire and tearing his ACL. (if you know that reference u know the pain)

"Yeah yeah, 1-1-2,"
Midoriya mumbled as he waited for the bell to ring, staring into Aoi's soul.

Aoi on the other hand waived to his audience screaming out about David and Goliath, paying Midoriya no mind.

This dismissive behavior pissed Midoriya off more than anything biting down hard on his mouth piece, the boy only thought was killing Aoi.


The bell had rang and Aoi had rushed into the middle of the ring looking to take the center before the rookie. He was met with a stiff jab as Midoriya had the same thought but with his long stride and reach was able to steal the middle faster.

Stumbling back Aoi saw stars because his momentum caused him to accidentally power up Midoriya's already powerful jab. But sadly for him he had no time to recover as Midoriya's gloves began to make contact with his face, colliding like rock as a 1-1-2 combo sent the prospect to the corner.

He covered up as Midoriya felt bloodlust overcome his body causing him to get sloppy throwing several hooks and looping shots looking to knock Aoi out.

The undefeated prospect rolled with each blow, before timing a sharper counter hook to one of Midoriya's wide one.

Midoriya barely was able to roll with the shot as a second hook followed this time landing, not flush but good enough to make Midoriya take a step back.

Taking the step back, Midoriya thought back to what Yagi had explained, "With your long arms rather than following up with multiple looping shoots put a jab inbetween every shot to keep a distance where your opponent cant hit you and to cover their vision,"

Taking the middle of the ring, Midoriya recollected himself as Aoi attempted to jab, but failed to even graze Midoriya as he only partial extended his arm and landed on Aoi while the boy was inches away.

The difference of Aoi's 170cm reach and Izuku's 19ocm reach was evident as Midoriya now stood in a range where he could land easily while Aoi couldn't even graze him.

The audience watched in awe as Midoriya practically big brothered Aoi, landing massive 1-2 and 2-3 combos to the prospect while he failed miserably to land a single strike.

"This isn't even a fight, it's a massacre,"
Aoki mumbled watching as Aoi's face be worn and torn by Midoriya's gloves.

Everyone in the audience winced as Aoi took a pounding fairing to assert his jab and when circling being caught with a straight.

In Aoi's point of view it was as if he saw nothing, like he was completely blind, unable to reach Midoriya he felt as if he was in a pitch black room with two shining eyes staring down onto him. With boulders into his face everytime he took a step or attempted to fight back.

The undefeated prospect, Aoi, felt helpless.
The undefeated Aoi felt fear.
The red eyes of Midoriya stared into his eye.
No rather, The Reaper eyes stared into Aoi's soul.

"He needs to go low and get into the inside,"
Kimura explained, "With those long arms he won't be good at infighting," Aoki added on as Ippo nodded his head.

On cue, Aoi ducked low rushing in as Midoriya mumbled to himself with a twisted grin and demonic eyes.

"Kill them with an upper cut straight up the middle,"
Midoriya mumbled to himself as a massive upper cut landed clean onto Aoi's jaw.

The audience went silent as Aoi's body fell to the mat, his eyes glazed over and wide open as blood dripped over them. An expression of terror frozen on his face. It had looked as if the Grim Reaper had taken his soul.

The audience had only one thought in their head seeing the scene.

"The Reaper of Nippon,"


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