Chapter 2

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"Our basics class starts in 20 minutes"

"Yeah just sign me up for it and ill need to buy some gloves," Midoriya exclaimed pulling out his wallet and showing dozens of hundred dollar bills.

The woman had dollar signs in her eyes as she exclaimed, "Yes sir,"

"You'll also need to buy hand wraps , a mouth piece, shoes and shorts," the woman exclaimed looking to ring Midoriya out of his cash.

After buying everything he "needed" Midoriya was left waiting on the mat for the basic classes to begin.

The door swung open as a tall but skinny man walked in
"Looks like there ain't anybody for class today," he sighed as he walked onto the mat, "there's one today," the woman exclaimed pointing at Midoriya who was stretching his arms.

"Pretty tall guy,"
The man exclaimed looking up Midoriya's 182 Cm or 6'1 height, "Got a bit of muscle on him too," he exclaimed sizing him up, "And his arms are pretty long too," he added on now noting Midoriya's 78 inch reach.
"Who is this kid,"

"He says his name is Midoriya Izuku, he's here looking to learn how to box and already paid for a full year of lessons," the woman explained as the coach nodded his head.

Now approaching the mat, the man bowed and entered, "My name is Yagi," the blond haired man exclaimed reaching out his arm to Midoriya, "Midoriya Izuku,"

"So Midoriya what your exprience in boxing or combat sports," the man questioned getting a closer look now seeing the rather skinny legs of the boy.

"I have no real exprience, but I get into fights often," he held a smirk of pride.

Yagi cringed from the response, 'Don't tell me he's just a thug looking to learn how to fight,' He thought to himself now catching a glance of Midoriya's tat that were hidden by a long sleeve.

"Now I don't teach boxing for people to use it in the streets like Hooligans," Yagi explained as Midoriya sighed, "I already paid and it ain't like those guys ever could beat me before so your lesson aren't gonna be needed for that," Midoriya argued as Yagi shrugged.

"If news of you causing trouble comes up, we're cutting all ties," Yagi firmly stated as he walked to the heavy bags.

"Now do you know how to jab?"

Midoriya scoff, "Come on im not a dip shit," he exclaimed taking a southpaw stance and throwing a firm but sloppy jab.

Yagi nodded his head," Nice power but your form is sloppy, whenever you throw the jab, you want to step forward with the lead leg and snap out with the shoulder to generate a clean and powerful jab."

Midoriya nodded his head as he followed Yagi exactly step for step, before hitting the bag once more, "Now throw a jab," Yagi commanded as Midoriya snapped out a picture perfect jab that shook the full bag.

"See that's a power jab, you build a strong jab and you can dominate a fight easily," Yagi explained, Midoriya took it to heart snapping out three more jobs each causing a loud snapping sound.

"Now for a long build like yourself, learning how to throw a strong straight following a jab is the best route," Yagi explained showing the steps for a Straight.

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