II: Tips and Tricks

Start from the beginning

The club erupted into laughter before everybody got their things and left. I went to the bar to fix myself a drink or two before made my rounds around the club. At the end of every night, I make sure everything is good before I lock up for the night.

Before I finished making my second drink, I saw Bey coming over, she was wearing a cute white cover up and her hair was pinned back with a claw clip. She walked up to the bar, "Hi Nicki." She said smiling her beautiful smile. "Hello, how's my favorite angel?" She giggled before she answered, "I'm good, how's my favorite barbie?"

"I'm great mama, what you still doing here though? I thought you would've went home by now." Usually by this time, I was the only person here. "I'm tired of going home to an empty bed Nic, it's so depressing. I wanted to get my mind off it for the night." I nodded my head, I understood what she was saying.

I know how hard it must be on her since Rih's not really here anymore. "Can I help you out for the night, just like help you close and stuff?" I smiled at her question, kind of amused that she wanted to spend her time helping me.

"Sure Beybey, you can just-" I was cut off by one of my least favorite girls here, Passion. She used to harass Kelly when she worked here and I have a feeling she's gonna start doing the same with Bey. Passion brought in good customers, but never knew how to keep them and that made her mad.

She always blamed the girls who got the most attention. For the past week, Bey's been going home with the most amount of money and it's more money than any of the other girls had ever seen, even on their best days. "Bitches think they running shit now cause they got a couple dollars?"

I rolled my eyes as she walked up to Bey. One thing about Passion, she loved to bark in somebody's face. "I'm sorry what? Wait aren't you the same girl that said Kelly stole your 'regulars' or something?"

"Who the fuck is Kelly?" A lot of the time, if the strippers here didn't hang out with each other, they didn't know the others real names. "She's talking about Diamond. What do you want Passion, why are you over here?" I was getting more and more irritated and she wasn't backing up out of Beyoncé's face.

"Nicki, you know she been stealing all our money right? None of the girls going home with what we usually be getting now that she's here."

"That sounds like a personal problem Passion. How is she stealing y'all money when she's the last girl to go on every night?" That's how I knew she was just jealous and lying. If she knew how to captivate the crowd like Bey does, she wouldn't be complaining.

None of the other girls have had a problem with Bey and the amount of money she makes.

"She's still not all that. I don't understand why she be making all that money, she can't do nothing I can't do." That was a damn lie, that's why Passion couldn't keep her "regulars" now. She did the same exact routine every night and only knew the same five tricks. Her set was beyond boring.

"Oh really? Go do that air walk shit that Angel did earlier." That's something I knew she definitely couldn't do. Passion's been here damn near since the club opened and hadn't learned a new trick since. The only reason why she even got a job was because Rob thought she was fine and wanted to fuck her. That was back when she was a little thot pocket.

"Okay, that ain't no problem." She walked over to one of the poles and stood there looking at it. She didn't even know where to start. "We're waiting sweetie!" She smacked her lips, "Play some music or something."

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