21: Late honeymoon

Start from the beginning

"They're awful!" Jun said as she sat down next to you on the bed, "the Master beat both of us for wearing dirty shoes inside once."

"Never did it again, I can tell you that."

You both laughed at the memory which, at the time, was not funny at all. But now that you were both twenty and able to look back on it, you found the notion humorous. However you did not see Itadori and Kugisaki looking at each other and seemingly communicating without words. Such a thing was normal in the Zen'in household? No wonder you were so timid.

And then, without the lick of a warning, the door to your chambers opened. You stood up immediately with a nervous look on your face at the sight of Satoru. Satoru, who looked annoyed and tired and eager all at once.

"Gojo-sensei?!" Itadori shouted, "how did you get in here?"

"Jun, you seem to have left the door unlocked." you muttered.


"Wife, you're coming with me. Now."

"Oh?" Jun asked with crossed arms, "you are not one to make that declaration."

Your husband ignored both her and her attitude. "You are accompanying me to the ryokan like we decided all those days ago."

"Is that an ask or a command?"

"A decision to be made by your mistress." He told Jun.

All heads turned to you, who's eyes were still locked on Satoru's with uncertainty. Bright blue eyes clashed with yours with a sharp sting, and you could feel yourself falling back into his trap. You were too enraptured with him, too infatuated. You looked at the teenagers before you and weighed their words in your mind.

Gojo-sensei would not do that to you.

I would agree.

With a sigh, you turned and muttered, "I'll start packing."


"What do you want?!" Satoru groaned at the teenagers, "we are to set off in mere minutes."

"I have a piece of very important information. Wanna give me some coins in exchange?" Nobara smirked with her hand out but Itadori smacked it down.

"Please be nice to y/n-san, okay?"

"Oh please, I'm always nice," They stared at him a little too long and he cursed. "Okay fine. Why? Is there an issue?"

"No, other than the fact that she thinks you're going to beat her if she says one thing out of line." The sharp words out of Nobara's mouth made him do a double take, wide eyed and a little angry. Beat you?!

"What?" he asked, a little shock etched through his voice.

"Yeah, her dad beat the shit out of her, I suppose."

"So you'd better not raise your hand against her." Itadori finished for the girl next to him and Satoru was still in the middle of processing this.

"Did she tell you this?"

"It's why she was so hesitant to come out of her chambers."

"Oh my," Satoru chuckled as he walked away, leaving the two teenagers staring at his retreating back, "I have never heard of such barbarians in all my life."


The ride was long. Satoru sat across from you, staring you down although you were staring out into the pastures. Although, his stare was too piercing and you were unable to focus at all. He was clearly trying to think up something to say, the usually quick-witted Gojo Satoru at a loss for words due to his wife's disdain.

You, however, were sick of feeling so sad because of him. You were sick of being mad at him. You had been mad at him for three days too long but, his comment bothered you exceedingly. So it was only far that you get to the bottom of the accusation.

"Do you really think me easy?"

Your husband stared at you for a moment as he registered your words, finally speaking directly to him after three long days. Forcing the grin to hide all his worry, he smiled at you. You knew it a facade.

"No, I do not," he said, "I was far too drunk, wife. I do not think so low of you."

An incredulous, angry stare met his grin and you looked away from him once again. Passing cattle and little farmers huts, you looked at them while you racked your brain for the words to say.

"Why will you not fully give yourself to me?" you asked without looking at him, "I am sick of being married to a world-class thespian."

"This is not a performance." he scoffed.

"Then you are truly a man with no personality."

Once again, his gaze was looking straight through you, but you were so angry, so unnerved, so sad, that you needed to lay all your grievances out on the table. "You wound me," he smiled again, "you were the kindest woman I have had the pleasure of knowing. What has perturbed you so?"


Satoru did not speak to you for the rest of the ride, stepping off the carriage as you arrived without so much as a second glance or witty remark. You were fine with that, looking at the great ryokan with a fresh set of eyes and mind. Satoru was already looking around your shared chambers when you made it inside, stripping and throwing his clothes on the bed.

"Please do not leave me tonight," he said, "I desire that you sleep next to me like you did once before."

You said nothing back, staring at the ground instead of his broad backside, which always sported taut muscles from his years of experience. You could see it in your dreams, in your head and you were sure you could retrace it from memory, but you would not allow yourself to look at him.

"Did you hear?"

"Yes." you bit out.

You knew he was frustrated, but part of you decided not to care.

"I am retiring to the onsen. You may join me if you wish."

"I will."


After he left the room with the unlined yukata over his frame, you allowed yourself to breathe and finally look around the room. But before you could fully bask in it or reflect on the situation, a bright voice startled you from the doorway.

"Lady Gojo! Hi!"

Turning around cautiously, you could see a man, perhaps a couple of years older than you, with brown hair and eyes and a genuine baby face. He was homely, the epitome of welcoming.

"Hello." you smiled.

"I am Haibara! Haibara Yu, and...I own the place! So if you or Lord Gojo need anything, you come right to me!" At the man's excitement, you laughed and nodded with pleasure.

"We will certainly do that," you promised, "thank you, Haibara-kun."

"So...did you need help unpacking? Would you like a tour?"

"Actually," you mumbled, palming your belly and suddenly feeling tired, "I think I am going to rest for now."

"Not to worry!" Haibara said cheerfully, "it was a long expedition. I hope you get good rest, Lady Gojo."

"y/n. You can call me y/n."

"Oh, your given name? How prestigious!" He marveled. You chuckled in response before sitting down on the bed.

"Not at all," you told him, "Gojo is still unfamiliar to me."

beautiful one, sharer of my longingWhere stories live. Discover now