They both erupted in laughter, the awkwardness dissipating as they found common ground in their silly banter. It was refreshing to have a carefree conversation, free from the weight of expectations.

Sebastian leaned forward, his voice lowering conspiratorially. "So, Kathy, spill the beans. Have you been on any exciting romantic adventures since... you know, our last encounter?"

Katherine's heart skipped a beat, her mind racing to find the right words. She decided to take the easy way out, not ready to delve into the complexities of her past with Conrad. "Oh, you know, the usual thrilling escapades of an 18-year-old. I've been busy battling dragons and saving kingdoms. No time for romance."

Sebastian raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk on his face. "Dragons and kingdoms, huh? That's quite the excuse. But hey, who am I to question a brave princess's priorities?"

Katherine grinned, relieved that he didn't press further. "Exactly, I'm just fulfilling my royal duties. No time for dating when there are other damsels in distress to rescue."

They both burst into laughter, the awkward tension melting away as they immersed themselves in their shared humor. It was in those lighthearted moments that Katherine felt a sense of ease and genuine connection.

As they continued to chat, their laughter filling the air, Katherine decided to embrace the awkwardness and uncertainty. Whether it was a date or just two friends hanging out, she was determined to enjoy the company and let the conversation guide them wherever it may lead. 

The hour flew by in a whirlwind of laughter and awkward conversation, as Katherine's eyes widened as she glanced at her watch. She gasped in disbelief, realizing that she had lost track of time and was now running late for dinner. Panic washed over her, and she couldn't help but worry about Aunt Laurel's reaction to her tardiness.

"Oh my gosh, Sebastian, I can't believe it! I'm already late for dinner!" Katherine exclaimed, her voice filled with a mix of disbelief and anxiety. "Aunt Laurel is going to give me that disappointed look."

Sebastian's eyes widened in sympathy, his playful demeanor momentarily replaced by concern. "Seriously? Time flew by so fast, I'm really sorry, Katherine. I didn't mean to make you late."

Katherine shook her head, trying to keep her composure. "No, no, it's not your fault. I should have been more aware of the time. Aunt Laurel values punctuality."

Sebastian shrugged. "Hey, don't worry about it, Kathy. We'll figure it out. Maybe we can come up with a brilliant excuse together."

Katherine smirked, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Oh, I'm sure you're full of brilliant ideas, Seb. How about we tell Aunt Laurel we were held hostage by ravenous squirrels and barely escaped with our lives?"

Sebastian chuckled, playing along. "Or better yet, we can say we got lost in a parallel universe where time moves differently. It felt like just a few minutes to us!"

They both burst into laughter, the absurdity of their made-up excuses lightening the mood. As they collected themselves, Katherine realized that, despite her lateness, she was actually having a great time with Sebastian. It was refreshing to be with someone who could bring out her playful side and make her forget about the pressures of time.

"Alright, Sebastian, let's face the music," Katherine said, determination in her voice. "Aunt Laurel might give me a lecture, but we'll come up with a believable story together."

Sebastian grinned, a twinkle in his eyes. "You've got it, Kathy. We'll charm her with our quick thinking and irresistible charm."

As Katherine and Sebastian arrived home, a wave of confusion washed over them. The house was eerily quiet, and there was no sign of Aunt Laurel, Jeremiah, or anyone else. The familiar sounds that usually filled the air were noticeably absent.

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