Chapter 2: Going, Going, & Gone

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"I can't believe I raised such a fucking pig." My dad screamed.

I scrambled to my feet, attempting anything to get out of his way but he shoved me back down. I looked up to his eyes in complete terror. I quickly looked in my surroundings before looking back at him and smacking his junk before scrambling to my feet, grabbing handfuls of clothes along with my laptop and phone and ran towards the door, my dad chasing after. "I love you, Mom." I yelled, watching her eyes disappear into tearful clouds and dashing out the door, listening to my dad's screams and complaints. I ran straight to his car, where the keys still laid, forgotten as he stumbled towards the house. I hopped inside, starting the ignition, or what I think is the ignition and kicked the steering wheel. The cars screeched as I raced out of the driveway and down the street. I've never driven a car before so I couldn't control my speed. I gently stepped off the breaks and maneuvered out of the subdivision and onto the highway. I followed the memorized driving instructions from my family's many car trips.

(Quick A/N - it's 2am and I'm writing. I hope it's not crappy hahah)

I shuffled my other foot, hearing bottles clank afterwards. I quickly looked down to find 4 or 5 beer bottles, some broken laying down and rolling with every turn and stop. I used my unoccupied foot to scurry them out of the way, ignoring some of the broken glass stabbing my ankle in agony.

I was heading somewhere, but I don't know where. But it has to be far away from Chicago, Illinois. As far away, as possible.

Last String: Running Away (Aram Flood Fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن