Omnicide 4.0

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ZIP was the name of the alternate/D-Side version of EXE, Cream's greatest enemy as of now.

Instead of resembling Sonic, ZIP took after a person that didn't exist in any universe. That person was Tiara the Manx.

She was quite a bit different from her Prime sector counterpart, but they were the same in the sense of having an "unsettling doppelganger" aesthetic. For one, while EXE was the creation of Revie, ZIP wasn't made by anybody.

She was brought herself into existence on a very dark day. Instead of appearing after the events of Surge's rampage, ZIP appeared on Mobius during the events of D-Side Sonic Forces.

After the nefarious Maria Robotnik's latest attack, the world has...

Never been better! Ironic, given that Maria wanted nothing more than to turn Mobius into her personal playing zoo.

After successfully defeating Mighty with the help of a powerful new threat, the world was in shambles. Mighty's best friend, Ray, had vanished from the dwindling public eye.

And what was left of Mighty's friends became a resistance. The world's last hope. That was until a new person appeared.

This creature appeared out of nowhere and managed to do what everyone thought impossible. She defeated the one who soundly beat Mighty.

And after chasing off Maria and her best friend/assistant Shadow the Hedgehog, the creature, who introduced herself as ZIP, made her intentions known quickly.

She assisted with the repairs to world, and healing those who were victims of Maria's Zoo. Her power was incredible.

She quickly gained the approval of everyone. Especially Tikal, the leader of the resistance. Thanks to her help, they were able to fix everything in record speed.

ZIP was friendly, extroverted, and cherished and protected all forms of life. People were scared of her uncanny appearance, but she always helped regardless. She even had the same hero code as Mighty, being that she wouldn't kill, even though it was extremely easy for her.

All in all, she became with a status that almost matched Mighty's. The world was becoming a far better place by the second thanks to her incredible power scaring away Maria and Shadow for a surprisingly long time.

But they knew she wouldn't just quit. She'd return eventually. But no one knew she would come with an "ally" far more powerful than her previous one.

After her defeat, Shadow and Maria fled to their hideout. A small and quaint house in the woods.

Maria sighed. She watched Shadow as he slept, despite it being noon. He had very strange sleeping habits.

'So, we not only lose, but that stupid armadillo gets a ridiculously strong ally! ZIP, or whatever her name is, is gonna be a pain in the neck to deal with.'

Despite liking to watch Shadow sleep, she couldn't sit here all day. She had to figure something out. ZIP had to have some kind of weakness she could exploit.

"I want an omelette."

She liked egg based foods. It cleared her mind. But as she was about to go to her kitchen and make on, a voice she didn't recognize infiltrated her ears.

"And I want a pet." Cream said, laying on her floor sideways with her head in her palm. "I've chosen you, cute little thing."

Maria stared at the rabbit on her floor, bewildered.

"No," She said, stepping over her and entering her kitchen. But she suddenly finds herself back in front of Cream, who was standing up this time.

"Be a good pet and tell me your name."

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