Chapter 1 Yn vs Thor

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I forgot to tell y'all yn vs the gods ever yn wins move up round of course it will be break time

(Yn pov)

We finally made it to ragnarok brunhilde show me where the arena I had to wait until hemidall announce my name so just wait by meditating

(Narrator pov)The colosseum was packed with both and mortals alike Brunhilde and Goll Stood opposite the gods viewing point from across the arena

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

(Narrator pov)
The colosseum was packed with both and mortals alike Brunhilde and Goll Stood opposite the gods viewing point from across the arena

Goll: whoa looks like they're almost read so it'll start soon?


Goll:there are so many Gods here I wonder which one they'll send out first?

A light came on in the middle of the arena. It was Heimdall

Hemidall:at long last i've been waiting for this for ages the moment if get to blow the gjallarhorn it's time to raise the curtain for the main event that's right the wildly anticipated ragnarok LETS GET LOUD EVERYONE ARE YOU READY!

The crowed cheered wildly.

Heimdall: the rules are straight forward! It's a fight to which can choose to kill their opponent or mercy them, whether they're a Human or the God. The Victor shall be decided the moment that one party annihilates the other our first round begins introducing god number one

He pointed to the Gods corner.

Lightning pulsed in front of the Gods side. A woman in a stone chair appeared wielding a large hammer she stood and rested hammer on her shoulder

 A woman in a stone chair appeared wielding a large hammer she stood and rested hammer on her shoulder

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Heimdall:the strength of Norse. The one and only, THOOOOR!

With Goll And Brunhillde

Goll:they're really starting off with the God of thunder? No there's no way that ninja can win against that monster,

The last ronin male reader x record of ragnarokTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang