13: As Long As You're Mine

Start from the beginning

After those stores, they stopped by Home Depot for paint, painting supplies, and all the stuff for baby proofing that Nolan said he needed. And then it was off to the house. Tamara went in first with her sister while Tim grabbed Jaclyn's stuff.

"Hey, T! Can you let Kojo out into the backyard and feed him, while I carry stuff in?"

"Sure thing Zhaddy!" Tamara responded. Every so often, between trips in and out of the house, Tim would stop and watch Tamara out in the back with Jaclyn and Kojo. The sight made him so happy, he could get used to this being his day off sight.

Once he was done, Tim called out into the backyard. "Hey! T, I got your paint stuff in the room that would be yours. You can start on that whenever you'd like, I'm gonna start on Jaclyn's room!"

"Sure thing Timothy! I'm gonna put her down for a nap..."

"You can put her in my room." Tim gave her direction before getting to painting his daughter's room, which he was doing in a beach/ocean theme. Tim had chosen a coral color for the wall, he just prayed Lucy would like it.

By the time Tim had gotten two coats done on the walls, Nolan had finally shown up to help baby proof. "I figured you'd be able to do this kind of stuff, Sarge?" Nolan joked with him.

"Ha ha ha.." Tim laughed sarcastically, handing him a water. "I probably could have,  if I didn't  have a young adult locked in a room of my house painting walls however she wants, that has me on edge." Tim laughed nervously. "Plus, you already had a kid, you know how this shit works and you were a contractor. I want it done right."

John nodded at him. "Of course. Well, this shouldn't take me too long. I'll have you guys back at Lucy's place before she gets home." Tim nodded and went back to Jaclyn's room, Kojo following behind.


Of course her birthday would be a busy ass day. It had been nice with all of the happy birthdays from her coworkers, which she was taking much better than she would've in the past. However, the moment Lucy sat down at her desk, in her small office she was fit with four or five files. She had several small cases, those were easier to close than a few others that came across her desk. Thankfully, none of them required her going undercover, it was all just Detective work, but that didn't make the cases any easier. Val had been helpful, as much as she could be, but she had other UCs to help.

Lucy spent the entirety of her shift, 8 long hours, calling CIs, calling other leads or witnesses, missing her family, and reading past related reports. When her shift finally came to a close, she couldn't get out of the station fast enough.

She found both Tim and Tamara sitting on the couch watching Game of Thrones when she got home. She did notice that they had been cooking, but were also freshly showered.

"It's almost.." she glanced down at her watch "8:00 pm. Did you guys only recently shower?" She smiled at them shaking her head. They exchanged a glance and shrugged, zipping their lips in sync. Lucy eyed them suspiciously. "And where is my baby?"

"I'm right here." Tim smiled innocently with a smile on his face. Tamara laughed at him. Lucy let out an unamused chuckle. "Okayyyy, umm, let me rephrase that.. Where is my infant daughter?"

"Oh, baby boot? She's already asleep." Tim pointed out, taking a sip from his beer casually.

Lucy made her way to her daughter's room, opening the door slowly. She took in the sight of a sleeping Jaclyn. "You were the best belated birthday gift I could have ever asked for, little girl. I am so lucky to be your momma." Leaning down, Lucy gently kissed her forehead, watching as she stirred but didn't wake up, before joining the other two in the living room.

"What did you guys get into today?" Lucy asked them as she cracked her own beer open.

"Absolutely nothing."

"Yeah, just made him go shopping with me, trying to keep him away from work."

"Then we checked on Kojo, and watched the Dodger's game on my tv."

"Sounds like a very eventful day for you two." Lucy responded as she snuggled into Tim's side on the couch.

Tamara didn't stay with the couple for long, claiming that she wanted to give them time alone. Wishing her adopted mother Happy Birthday one last time, Lucy watched her leave the apartment. In the middle of one of the commercials, Tim turned to face her, in Lucy's eyes he seemed nervous, but not in a bad way.

"Lucy, I've thought about what you said, a lot. We've known each other for so long, so what's wrong with moving a bit fast. But, I also know we don't want to move too fast. I'm good with moving at whatever pace works for you. I want you to know though, that as long as you're mine, I don't need a whole lot else in this life. You know, I'm not the greatest at expressing my feelings or always saying what's on my mind, but with you, it seems to come so easily. What I do need to know is, Lucy, will you officially be my girlfriend?"

The best and only response Lucy could give was a nod of her head, happy tears, and a heated kiss against his lips.

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