his mother was crying. his father hugging her and telling her it would be alright

"He tried to t-t" his mother stuttered out weakly in between sobs

"But he didn't and he won't ever Mon I promise" Dads voice was filled with promise and power the kind of voice you have no choice but to believe and listen too, But Cyrus could hear the gently undertone filled with love and concern

Cyrus understood what had conspired between his boss and mother but he didn't want to

Why would anyone hurt his mother? his mother was a wonderful, beautiful and amazing person, a smart woman with a heart of gold, his idol, who would wanna hurt her?

Cyrus didn't understand, he didn't like not understanding

*End flashback*

Cyrus remembered going to work the next day and Dr Z calling him into his office

 he remembered the door closing, 

 the hands, 

he remembered bolting from the room before it escalated

 he remembered banging into Magnus and the older boy contacting the police for him, a very odd first encounter,

 and he remembered being told Dr Z had escaped the country 

Cyrus shook his head as he entered the training Centre, that was all in past now

Cyrus was well aware of the stares (Most not innocent) He had muscles quite a lot but the type you can only see all of them when flexed or if he was wearing tight clothing or like right now in a training tank top. you could see a few normally 

(DON'T JUDGE ME BUT ..... Muscled Cyrus😍😍😍😍) 

He ignored them continuing to train

 Cyrus didn't need training he was the best assassin they had at the age of 23 he'd killed at least 1989 people Directly 

Indirectly well lets just say the number was over 9000


Cyrus turned to the entrance to see Cyler dashing towards him, the short blonde/brunette boy was holding a bunch of papers 

Cyler was 14 and a ball of caffeinated anxiety who also happened to be Cyrus son.

They shared DNA but he wasn't biologically Cyrus's child

 It was a long story a very very long story

"Cybot? what's wrong? what's happened?" Cyrus was worried the split dyed brunette blonde boy banged into him

Cyler ran a hand over his sweater vest and looked down all jittery and nervous 

"Well?" Cyrus put his hands on his shoulders and leaned down to the 5.5 boy's height and peered into the grey eyes

"We've got a wee bit of an issue" Cyler said the slight irish accent slipping in 

"Show me"

Cyler dashed through the halls leading Cyrus to the control room, the young boy pushed open the doors and dashed to his desk

"Remy discovered it when we where deleting all Dr Zazslow's records" He said as he weaseled through files, files of dead people, files of people Cyrus had taken out


Maybe Cyrus had lied and he felt all twisted and wrong inside after his missions but what could he do? it was his Job

Cyrus pushed the thought out of his brain and followed Cybot

"Mornin' Cyrus" Remy gave a sweet smile

"Morning Rem" Cyrus couldn't help but smile back

Remy was wearing a nice brown patterned sweater he short hair was in need of a dark red touch up as her black roots wear showing

Cyrus  looked at the Instagram post Cybot had pulled up

"Remy follows this girl and saw it" The boy nervously twitched

Cyrus looked at the post and it seemed fairly ordinary

Some Influencer BraineighBrynleigh had posted a photo of herself at the park around an hour ago, around the same time Cyrus had been there

 The post was a selfie of the Brynleigh holding a journal and smiling she was quite pretty, beautiful even

"What's wrong with this?" he question

"This" Cybot clicked across to the second photo and cyrus could feel the blood draining from his face

the original selfie had been zoomed in, and it was him

Cyrus Anders

he stood arm extended obviously he was shooting Dr Z you just couldn't see the gun

In some font at the top it read

'What's he doing?  👀'

The description read

Finding some nice inspo for a setting in 'Thorns and Roses' :)

Ayo Anyone know where I can find This cutie? but seriously what is he doing???

Cyrus felt his heart sink, 50 years

50 YEARS of The Anders Family Mafia being a secret and it was ruined all because of him

He was the worst assassin ever

The worst son ever

Oh God what where his parents going to think

He'd have to run away to Texas work as a bus boy in some diner and change his name to Stephen

Cyrus took some deep breaths and told himself to calm down it was not the time to spiral and be overdramatic 

"What are we gonna do dad?"

"There's only one thing we can do Cybot"

"Which is ...?" Remy prompted

"We take out little miss BraineighBrynleigh"

WHOOHOO CHAPTER 1 DONEEEE. It was so not worth the wait but i hope you enjoy :)))

(Not me using my OWN story as Brynleigh's cause I couldn't think)

~ Liz

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