Author's Announcement

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Hello lovelies,

So... after much contemplation, I have come to the decision to discontinue this story. I know it's unexpected but you all know I have always been very honest with you guys. And the truth is, I have completely lost interest in AbhiRa. I have to force myself to write its chapters and even then, I am bored out of my wits. My health doesn't stay stable as well, and when I'm fine, I want to work on stories that I enjoy writing. Because only then you'll enjoy reading. So I decided that it's better to announce the discontinuation than to keep you guys hanging in wait.

For a small comfort, if it provides you any, the story was planned for 15 chapters maximum so not much is missed. There was a confrontation of Akshara with Nikhil and her family that I had planned to take place, finally setting her free. As you guys would have guessed by the ‘platonic’ tag of the story, Abhimanyu and Akshara were not going to be a couple either. He was her mentor and she, his patient. The ending was planned as her moving on in life and him continuing to save lives like the angel he is. ❤️

If anyone of you is hurt by this announcement, my apologies, but trust me darlings, I can't continue with this.

Your Author. ✨

The Healer [DISCONTINUED]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя