birth of a new age

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We left off with Jaime and Tracy having their babies and the doctors delivered from Tracy two twin boys Jaime had two twin girls. Then the mothers fall asleep. It has been 6 weeks since Jaime and Tracy gave birth to Luke, Mike, Ail, and Linda. Then Shadow and Wolfie take the babies to see their mothers Shadow gives Tracy her sons Luke and, Mike, and Wolfie gives Jaime her girls Ail and Linda Six months later the babies are all 6 years old and get along well. They play games, sleep, eat, are around each other all the time, and are matched to marry each other as partners. 10 years later Luke and Linda are engaged and Mike and Ail are engaged to marry each other that winter. Winter came 3 months later. Jamie and Tracy start planning their children's wedding and order a big wedding cake that stands 7 inches tall with white and pink flowers on the cake and little candy pearls in the middle of the flowers. They then got dressed for a wedding so Luke and Linda and Mike and Ail got ready to get married to each other Then the alarm went off for an attack from the sky and sea a war head started at their steps. After 3 days of fighting, Lainey and Shadow, and Wolfie along with all their kids fight for their lives after 4 days another fleet of ships showed on the horizon Dracko and Laniey thot it whats the enemy fleet reinforcements they got ready to fight them until Dracko saw the flag of a dragon on it than he now that their fleet had returned from what they were doing the fleets fired on each other when everyone saw that they fought harder to survive. They battled for 2 hours before the enemy was defeated there was extensive damage done to the town so everyone helped rebuild the town as they had a wedding in the century. it took 3 months to fix the town, and then life returned to how they were. the newlyweds want to go on a trip to one of the islands to consummate their marriage so the cupels spend 3 days at resort wail at the resort Mike and Luke spend time listening to stories of great adventures Luke Mike want to travel the world they sit and listen to the great stories. Linda and Ail were in the hot springs soaking the fine luscious bodies. Luke and Mike finally have a go back to their wives to see them bathing their sexy bodies so the two men sit down and watch them bath Then they strip off there close and jump in with their wife than they grab their wives from behind and stick there hard dick's in there wife and fuck them so hard that the hole village herd them fucking for 1 hour than they stop fucking there wife they both got off in side there wife's pussy's than they all bath them self down then got dressed and went back to the resort to go to bed when they got to the resort people gave them a look of disgusted they got back to there room and had sex again then fill to sleep. the next morning the manager came to their room and ask them to leave the resort end never come back the newlyweds went home. back at the castle Lainey, Dracko, Shadow, and Wolfie got a big feast to gather for the newlyweds' return. 3 hours later the newlyweds came home to a large feast in their name Everyone gave each other hugs for the next 6 hours they talked and laughed about what happened at the resort Josie the handmaiden heard this from the next town over and came to investigate what was going on and gave a weird look when she saw what was going on and asked if everyone was okay cause she wanted to make sure everybody was doing good. Then Josie asked if she could join them and everyone said, yes so Josie joined the fun Josie grabbed a glass of wine and sat at a table listened to music, and sat at the bar than a nice handsome man named Tyler asked if she was alone Josie told him yes than Tyler side that a beautiful and should name all the man after her he then ask Josie to dance with him they dance till they could dance no more than they sat down to have a drink than Tyler than ask Josie out on a date Josie had no words to say to him it had been forever sans she goin on a date with anyone Josie said yes than Tyler pulled a rose from out be him and gave it to josie than turn around and lift. Luke and Linda are now pregnant with their first baby boy named Jack. Mike and Ail are also holding their first baby girl named Monique so the mothers get to hold their babies. In a couple of days, the mothers fully recovered and went home to their families. 6 years have gone by Monique is a beautiful young lady and Jack is a handsome young man the two of them are inseparable from one another they play together every day they go for horse rides to gather they battle each other to see how is stronger than the other. 10 years have gone by Monique is now a beautiful woman with a slander-necked body and big tits she got out of bed and put on a long beautiful dress with a seat on the side of it. Jack is a handsome man now with a muscular body and strong hands Jack is a soldier now that carries a great sword on his back. Jack wanted to see Monique at her home when Jack got there the door was broken open so Jack pulled up his pistol and walked into the home the first thing he noticed was that the home was ransacked than jack heard Monique scream so Jack ran up the stairs to her room to find Monique on the ground naked with a man on top of her his pans down to his ankles trying to rape Monique so jack pull him off her then pointed his gun at him told him he under arrest than the second man tried to attack him but jack herd him coming jack told him to stop were or he will not be alive to see the next day than jack shackled the man up to a pull than want to Monique said than jack help Monique up and give her his jacket than walk down stares with Monique to git her checkout bye the dock than jack went back to the house to get the rapist to tack them to jail than jack got to the house go up stares to were they were to see a man dress in black killed the two rapist than jumped out the window and done the streets jack want to see Monique when jack got to were the doc was at he ran in to see Monique getting dressed when Monique seen jack she dropped her close and ran to jack naked jack fell back and trip on a shoe jack and Monique fall on top of jack got a hard dick when Monique felt his dick she got a eurge to fuck jack so Monique rip off jack pants and put jack dick in side her tight pussy she rode jack dick in till he cummed inside of Monique lead on jack for a few mints than rolled over than lad there. Then they got dressed and went to see Lainey and Dracko at the castle. When they got to the castle Jack and Monique told Lainey and dracko that they wanted to be together and start a family Lainey asked why Monique said that she owed her life to Jack till Monique that he has loved her from afar being jack till Monique how he felt about her socks everyone. Lainey and dracko ask why they whont to git marred so soon jack and Monique both side yes so Lainey and dracko side ok so plans were mad for jack and Monique wedding day. 3 weeks in to wedding day jack git attack bey a big giant bear that nearly killed jack if not for a brave wolf attacking the bear they fight for 20 minutes than the wolf killed the bear than turned to the man on the ground and lays down next to the man to keep him warmed in till someone cums for him 3 howls later the wolf heres someone coming so it lay out a howl to get there attention to save the man the hunter ran over to the man he see that the wolf did not go far from the man the hunter raised his bow to shoot the wolf but the man grab his arm and side no show the hunter lowered his bow than the wolf slowly approach the hunter than laied down the hunter reached out to pat the wolf than the wolf growled than the hunter back up than shat down on the ground and lit the wolf come to him the wolf slowly approach the man and laid in the mans lap the man touched the wolf on the head and slowly pat him than the wolf got up an check on the man he whus still breathe than the wolf look at the hunter than to the man the hunter now the wolf was good than the hunter herd more hunters were coming so the hunter tried to git the wolf to run away but the wolf would not run the other hunters arrived and as soon as they seen the wolf thay raised there spear to attack the wolf the first hunter jumped in front of the other hunters and told than if it weren't for the wolf he would not have found the injured man the other hunters put down there spears than the first hunter turned to the wolf how whus in defense of the other hunters so the first hunter whant to his bag slowly and grabbed a rabbit from his bag and gave it to the wolf than the wolf calmed down the other hunters work on the injured man a few minit later y can here a woman scream than y can see a woman running towards the hunters the wolf git nervous of the approaching human so the hunter git in front of the wolf vison to show the wolf that he will not lit no one hert him the wolf must've understand that the hunter was on his said so the wolf calmed back down the woman drop to her knees in front of the man the hunters called her Monique which mack the man on the grond the next king the first hunter did not now he whus the king to be the woman came over to the first hunter slowly than ask the hunter his name Toby. Monique told the hunter that she owed him big toby told her that if it wasn't for the wolf he would not now he was here so Monique ternd to the wolf and than Monique realized that the wolf was scout the wolf pup her and jack saved 7 years ago from a trap that killed it mom the wolf remembered the woman than the wolf did something no one thought would happen the wolf layed down in Monique's lap and than Monique started to pet it like a dog thay became good fiends and scout helped keep tham from harm and danger. 3 years later jack and Monique and scout are out for a walk whan a group of wolf sronded the 3 of tham jack pulled his sword to fight them.than scout got ready to poune on the wolf and Monique pulld a dagger than thay got ready to fight the wolf to the death if thay had to than a wolf came out of the woods and came up to scout and growl at him than he spoke to jack and Monique and ask why thay are with a traitor to his kind the reason he's a traitor to his kind for being around the humans and talking to them and 5 minutes later another wolf steps out and stand on two paws and introduce him self as shiru the god of the wolfs. shiru ask why jack and Monique why thay are with the traitor scout

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