In The Beginning Part 2

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He was cursed by the evil dragon after he killed it. Lainey man shout to her that they caught a dragon Lainey run to were they are to see a dragon Lainey shouted bring it down so her men bring it down with nets on the dragon and bring t it down with the nets to put the dragon on a trailer and transport it to the castle to be chained down than interrogated to fond out whut it knew were her father was but he would not talk for 3 days and they tortured him for 3 days before he talk to them but when he spoke his first words he changed Into a human man but he was naked Lainey was frozen in place buy his beautiful of the man in front of her she had to stop herself from thinking of him she had to record herself he a dragon he spoke to Lainey he side that he now were her father is at he also side that his name is Dracko. Lainey that to her self that he was a good looking man she started to feel something in her hurt for the man in front of her she had to walk a way to git her hade on start than she went back in the room and ask were Is my father. Dracko told Lainey everything she need to now will Dracko was talking to the human female he failed a connection to her he felt drown to her in a way he never thot could happen he felt love for this human female how is that is it the human form he's takin that make him feel like he dos he stop talking than told Lainey that for a human y are beautiful women Lainey blast and again had to leave the room she than told her guards to leave her with the dragon the guards lift the room Lainey went back to Dracko and ask if he felt love for her Dracko side he does than Lainey thot to herself that maybe she felt love for the dragon than Lainey had a ideal that if her and Dracko can make peace than maybe that can end this war. Lainey than did something out of the ordinary and kiss Dracko than Dracko grab Lainey buy the waist and pulled her close to him than Lainey pulled away from Dracko in fright but to her feelings she like whut he did and went back in for a another kiss but this time she grab Dracko and pull hem close to her and kiss him than start taking off her close than dracko on the ground and mounted dracko dick and started fucking him she could not help herself she did not whont to stop making love to him they fuck for a hour than Dracko comed in sied Lainey than claps next to dracko she felt like something change in her.this hapend fot a few weeks be for Lainey realized something whus not right with her she felt sick to her stumack she felt like trowing up all the time so she whant to the casel dockter and ask him to check her out so the dock check her out and told her that she with child Lainey sied that she cant be she not able to have kids the dock side you are with child so Lainey ran to dracko to till him that she with child dracko side that he now he can sense the baby growing in her Lainey ask how can that be I can have kids Dracko side that it is a magic baby that will be a human dragon with the strength of a dragon the powers of a dragon and the ability to change in to a dragon but it will be human she will be the next generation of humans. that night Lainey did not sleep good she keep thinking of Dracko how he looks how it felt to make love to him she need more of his dick she craved it so she git up as she pull the covers to reveal her naked body Lainey was a fair woman she was thin body bright red hire plump breasts and dark skin she ran to Dracko's cell to see him she got to his cell told the guards to leave her with the prisoner the guards lift her with the prisoner with a look of surprised to see her naked visit the prisoner room thin Lainey throw the door to the call open and ran in to the call to see Dracko sleeping in his bed Lainey wanted more of Dracko's dick cause it felt so good that she did not whont it to go away than Dracko wakes up and gentle grab her waist and pull her in close to him they mad love for the hole night than she fell asleep wit him Dracko wrapped his arm around her and they fell asleep together. than a got up and woke Lainey and told her that the dragon are back Lainey and Dracko jumped up Lainey ran to her room got dressed and than put on her armor than grab some close from her closet than ran to Dracko told him to put them on than told the guards to release Dracko the guards did whut they were told to do than Lainey grabbed Drackos hand and tock him to the battled months were hi can see the dragon and the human army she did not whont to lose the child in her belly so she ask Dracko to help end the war. Lainey and Dracko stream stop every one stop doing whut they were doing and look at Lainey and Dracko as that confess there love to each other every one was shocked to here that a human and a dragon finding love the king of dragons spoke to Lainey ask do you now whut it mean to be the first human in 100000 years to be a mother to a dragon that make you the mother of the new race of dragons the war ended that day and a new piece between dragon and humans.9 months a new generation of dragon hybrid. you will teach it the way of both dragon and human show it that the world and bad show her that it can be a good place but when it is 18 I will be back to pass on my crown to the child how will take my place as king of dragons it will make sure piece between dragons and humans he or she will the garden of both races than he fly away to what for the birth of the the life of Dracko and Lainey started that day Dracko was gave his freedom to live how he wants to with Lainey and there baby and 3 months have gone by since the war ended Dracko help with the kingdom wall Lainey Is in bed resting he make breakfast for her in bed so he gathered the ingredient's to make her eggs and bacon with toast with a glass of milk so he tack the breakfast to her to his surprised to find her sleeping still so he put the breakfast on the table than wait to Lainey said brush her hair back out of her face that kiss her on the lips. Lainey woke to Dracko kissing her so she kiss him back than side good morning than Dracko give her breakfast to her and she ate it than side that delicious than she got out of bed to reveal her body now with a swollen belly she git dressed than go to the garden to relax in the sun light Dracko lays down with her they fall asleep together for a few minutes go bye than a guard come over to tall Lainey that people have shown up at the gates so Lainey and Dracko get up and go to the gates out said the gates were solders that came to be her to gave a invitation to come to the village to a feast in the baby's honor so Lainey and Dracko went to the village to the feast they git to the village to see it in ruins it look like a wiled beast had gone threw the village Lainey jumped out of the wagon and ran to the village gates they hung off there poles broker Lainey run to the town scared to find that the villagers are all dead Lainey drop to her keeps and cries for her people that have died today Lainey get up ran to her guards told to take her home the solders ask why Lainey side there all dead something or someone has killed all the solders I run to the gates to see the destroyed village and all the dead solders with there bodies laying on ground and Lainey looked at all the dead bodies and feeling helpless and doesn't know what to do with the situation at hand and starts pacing back and forth to think things though of what happened and how to handle it in the only way she knew how to at this point in time. Lainey told her men to search the hole village for survivor's so her men went from door to door but they find nothing alive not even the rat. than a scream was heard in the distant than a smell fills the air Lainey told everyone to get back than made a run for the gates with Dracko in tow they get a mile away the small goes away and from where Lainey stands she can see what mad that small it was trolls not one but two trolls big trolls covered in blood from head to toes. Lainey told her men to go to the case and get as money men as they can and bring them to her. so her men ran beck to the casel to get more men to fight the trolls. Lainey got in the wagon and got a sword out of the back trow one to dracko than got her armor on and got ready to fight the trolls Lainey men returned with 100 men so Lainey tell her men to charge the trolls Lainey and dracko mad it first to mack it to the trolls Lainey swings at the trolls lag cuting the lag of the frst troll than stabbed it in the heart than ran to help Dracko with the other troll Lainey jump on it back and stabbed it in the neck than road it down to the ground than got up and collapse in to Dracko's arms than Dracko cared her to the wagon than told her guards to get them back to the castle.

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