⚡ Twenty six ⚡

484 22 35

Seungmin's pov

         Its been a week and I haven't told Min about me not tutoring her again. I don't know if its that I'm too scared to, or I don't want her to leave just yet.

Sluggishly, I walked down the stairs, the doorbell ringing non stop. At this point its only two people who would ring that many times, Felix or Min.

"Please stop ringing!" I quickly flung the door open, making Min to flinch, taking two steps back.

Her scared expression was replaced with an excited one, followed by a wave. "Hi Minnie."

"What do you want?"

Min scoffed at my question, crossing her arms. "You told me to come this Saturday, remember?" The female inquired, stepping into the house, the moment I stepped away.

Oh crap!

I forgot Min has a mathematics test on Monday.

"You won't believe what happened on my way here, a bir-"

"Hyejin!" I called, cutting off the black haired that as making her way up to the study.

Min froze, her brow cocked up in shock, and her lips slightly parted. "Are you okay?" She asked, placing a hand on my forehead, which I slapped away. "You smiled at me and now you called my actual name, should I be scared?"

"Bro, answer!" She frowned at my silence, releasing her folded arms, letting them fall carelessly to the side.

"Stop bro-zoning me," I muttered inaudibly to myself, awkwardly playing with my fingers, feeling a little unease.

"Oh sorry, I'll stop," Min laughed lowly, pushing me slightly on my shoulder.

"I don't wanna tutor you."

Her amused face disappeared and appeared within a second. Her head tilted to the side. "Today? Are you busy?" She asked, a hint of seriousness in her tone.

"No, I want to stop."

"Hahaha, so funny," Min laughed dryly, irking a brow at me, waiting for any reaction from me. Silently, I heaved a sigh, unable to put to words why I wanted to stop.

"Br-, Seungmin, I laughed, you can say sike now," Min voice became wobbly as panic spread on her face. "Please don't stop, my grades are improving, I promise I'll pay more attention and be less noisy and I won't be annoying, ju-" she choked on a sob, burying her fingers into her hair, tears streaming down her cheeks, leaving a glassy trail.

With slow steps, she waddled to where I stood, wrapping her arms around my waist, engulfing my body in a tight hug, my shirt getting soaked from her tears. "Please, my mom was finally happy and proud of me, she'll be sad again and I don't want to add to her anxiety any longer, help me please."

"Min, its okay," I patted her hear, my fingers entangling her short black while other arm laid behind her neck.

"Its not okay, I'm not okay, I'm alone and sad," Mumbling, Min's grip on my shirt tightened, while she nuzzled her face on my chest. "And tired of everything, I'm tired of pretending, of smiling, of acting happy, I'm not!"

"I'm sorry?" Not knowing what to say, I uttered the only thing my brain could think of, feeling my heart sink. I never should've told her, I'm such an idiot. "Doesn't Felix makes you happy?"

Min sniffled, wiping her tears with her hand, forcing an unsure smile. "He does, and so do you."


"Yeah, even though you're very mean and cold and I don't get why you call me by my first name, do you hate my name?"

"No, the author just wants me to call you that."


"Nothing, I just. . .I don't know," I scratched my nape, moving away from Min as I felt the heat rushing to face.

"Are you okay?" Min asked, squinting her eyes, as her smile grew wider.

How does she even do that? How does she look happy without being suspicious?

Min snapped me out of my thoughts with another question, standing way too close. "Why are your cheeks all red? Sorry if I made you feel embarrassed."

"No you didn't, this only happens when I'm taking to you."

A bit perplexed, Min let out a small laugh.

She's so dumb.

"I like you, Min." I blurted, rolling my eyes at her ignorance. A smile played on her lips, her eyes glistening.

"Thank you, I like you too."

"Not like that dumb dumb," Min froze, her shoulders tensing up as her fingers fiddled with the hem of her shirt, a deep shade of crimson invading her cheeks. That was the first time I've seen her blush, and I felt giddy knowing I caused it.

"Uh. . .haha, stop joking," The shorter female started moving back the closer I got.

"Who said I was?" Questioning, I got closer, her breaths now brushing against my cheek, it was ragged and unstable. Slowly, my eyes shut as I leaned in, Min blinking frantically.

I felt our noses touch and a sly smile played on my lips.

"Su casa es mi casa!" The door flung opened, revealing a sweating and panting Felix, whose grin disappeared when he saw Min and I. "Seungmin?" His voice came out as a whisper. "Sorry for interrupting, bye!" The Australian shut the door quickly, without another word.

"I'm sorry, bye," Min gulped, joining Felix, as the door shut, I could still hear her calling after him.


Felix trusted me, and I've betrayed him.

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Sorry I haven't been updating like I used to.

Anyways hi, how are you?
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