"Ah! They're already here. Initiate lockdown" This time the droid girl followed through, doing both of the tasks at once. "Be seated, ninja. There isn't much time"

Nya turned to the very confused citizens with a stern look, "Do something useful and make sure those Nindroids don't get up here. If you ever wanna see your favorite shows again, you better get downstairs, now!!" The people blinked, then saluted and quickly rushed down the stairs.

"Once we're inside, what do we do?" Zane asked, sitting down in one of the chairs.

"Put simply, reboot the system. All source code travels through the heart of the mainframe. Follow it and you'll find a glowing activation port. The Techno Blades are the keys to activate the reboot and erase all corruption from the system"

Kai looked at him in confusion, "Uh, can you put it more simply?"

Cole rolled his eyes, "Look for a big bright light, Airhead, then put your weapon in it"

"Okay, got it. I can do that" The red ninja nodded to himself and faced forward, a second later he realized he was just name-called. "Hey! I'm not an Airhead!" He glared at him teammate, Cole showed him his tongue in response.

Cyrus laughed silently before going back to full professionalism. "Remember, I wrote the code, but he controls it. His turf, his rules. I'll do my best to keep you hidden from here, but the longer you go unnoticed, the better chance you have to succeed"

"Be careful in there" Pixal said, looking at the five and they nodded.

"Prepare for entry" Borg went close to the button but before he pressed it Kai spoke up again.

"How do we know this is really gonna work and won't disintegrate us instantly?"

"Hm..." The man looked into nothingness in wonder, then he shrugged and smiled a little, "I'm not sure. Let's see!" He pressed the button.

"AAH! I HATE TECHNOLOGY!!!" Kai screamed as the world before him started spinning, blurring everything in his view and making him feel nauseous. He closed his eyes for a moment and then opened them again. He and the rest were at in the same room, the only difference being it was only the five of them there. "Argh, see? I told you it wouldn't work"

"I think it did. Look" Echo pointed at the wall, looking closer they could see One's and Zero's floating through them, and basically anything else they looked at.

Zane gasped, "This is most definitely the Digiverse"

Jay squeaked and jumped in excitement, "And this is most definitely awesome!"

"Oh, it's like a dream!" Cole breamed, the blue ninja eyed him with a mischievous smile before pinching him. "Ow! What was that for!?"

"Just testing the rules. First rule: Cole's a crybaby!"

"You were the one to cry at the ending of To The Moon!"

"Well, you're just heartless!"

"We know we can still get hurt in the Digiverse. Let's stay on task. We have the keys. Now let's find that activation port" Zane said as he and the other two grabbed their Techno Blades, Jay and Cole followed them and they all went to the edge outside of the tower. "Borg was right. The source code appears to be moving toward the same location" The white ninja pointed towards a beam of light.

"Then let's follow it"

"Easier said than done"

"Aren't you forgetting, we're in a video game, whoo-hoo!" He jumped off and landed on the ground unharmed. "Haha, second rule: video games rule!!"

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