
620 29 22

Reading time: 16 minutes

Warning: a bit of swearing, anxiety, my headcanons, my grammar
TW: derealisation, blood, gross description of... stuff... Nothing too bad tho, just be careful, 'kay?


"Okay, (name) and I will go that way, and you guys can go that way" Kai pointed out the directions, all of the boys nodded or showed a thumb up before they started to walk away from you and your teammate in red.

He looked at you, silently asking if you're ready to go, to which you gave him a nod and you walked the opposite way to the rest of your team, making the gap between you get bigger in shorter time. You didn't really talked, wanting to be on high alert in case something jumps at one of you, but there was one thing you desperately wanted to talk about with someone, this made you keep on glancing at Kai from time to time. Despite this, he stayed oblivious.

The need to say something, anything, grew more with every passing second, it felt as if you were about to explode! Nonetheless you stayed silent, too embarrassed to disturb your teammate in his task.

What were you doing exactly? Well, you didn't really remember. You sent another glance at your friend, guilt rising in you. How could you forgot??? You truly were the worst, weren't you?

You looked away frowning, not that it would be seen under your mask. It wasn't long however before you looked at him again. Or that was your intention. When you looked to where he previously stood, where he should still be, you saw that no one was there. "Kai?" You stopped and started to look around, now that your friend was gone you had to speak up!

You did a slow 360 and resume walking trying to find him. He couldn't have just disappear! You literally saw him a moment ago and though you weren't the greatest at the whole 'being ninja' thing you'd definitely hear him if he moved.

As you walked further into the forest it started to become darker, not in the sun setting way but rather going from the outside to some dark place way. Like going from your room where the lights were turned on to an unlit kitchen in the middle of the night. You started to become uneasy, the dark messing with your anxious mind making you see things that you knew weren't really there. You tried to ignore any weird-looking shadows that seem to move or pairs of glowing eyes burning into your very soul as you kept on going and hesitantly calling your friends names. As much as finding Kai was your top priority, you needed somebody to be with you at the moment.

You remembered this place. That didn't help with knowing what exactly were you doing here but at least you knew where you were – The Misty Forest. It would be hard not to know with all the glowing fog being your only light source.

But even with the dim light, the shadows refused to leave.

You stopped, eyes wide as you got to the small glade with the podium for your weapon, a weapon you barely even used. But that wasn't the main reason for your abrupt stop.

There it was again.

The Thing.

And this time it was smiling at you.

Its hands were bloodied and you somehow knew the blood belonged to your friends. A shiver run down your spine but you took a fighting stance. The Thing laughed at you, "You really think you have any chance of making it out alive?"

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