A diary from 1920 (SFW/husband!gangster!Gojo x fem!reader)

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It's a lovely, sweet story about an undying love!

Warnings: mentions of war and scars.

 Fighting back her tears, Claire tried to organize your belongings in the attic. In the midst of dusty boxes, cobwebs and insane mess she tried to stay strong. You passed away only a few months ago. As she tried to lift an old box it suddenly burst open. After a loud thud she noticed several books wrapped into black lace cloths.

They were your diaries. Claire seemed really surprised because you never told her of ever writing a diary. The past always appeared to be vague, even mysterious. Every single time she tried to get answers you waved and smiled at her "Dear, it's been so long since I don't even remember." Which was a lie of course. You did remember every single minute you spent with your husband. The way you built your family and your empire in the underground. But you two made an oath the second all the business became legal. The past needs to stay hidden.

Your granddaughter was more than eager to finally be able to dig into every secret she yearned to learn about for so long.

"The weather was freezing cold today in the market. I was afraid I would lose some of my fingers. Winters have been truly cruel in the past few years. Even if I rubbed my hands from time to time and wore my thick, fluffy gloves it didn't help at all. I was busy warming my catty hands when a man walked up to my stand. His husky voice snapped me back to reality and suddenly I didn't know how to react. Then I looked at him. Oh my God those eyes! Those marvelous eyes that glow in ocean blue! He asked for some veggies, nothing more. Graciously he thanked me for the service and also left me a generous tip which made me a bit suspicious. I didn't understand how a rich man like him handles his own shopping.


"In the last two weeks Saturo came to my stand every single day. He bought something I bet he didn't even need. We chatter more and more. I find him adorable and I might even like him. Two days ago he invited me out for coffee and I accepted it without hesitation. He talked about the time he had spent in the army in WWI. During the war he served in France and lost many of his comrades. To this day he is plagued by nightmares, so he can't sleep too much. He preferred to be buried in work. However, he didn't reveal much about it. It's as mysterious as if you want to keep quiet about something. He said there was a bar downtown that he owned. On the weekend he will take me there to have some fun."

Claire read the lines at such a pace that it was hardly possible to follow what was happening. You began dating Satoru, her grandpa. And even if you were spending more and more time together you still didn't know what your lovely man was doing. Years later, the source of the money was still shrouded in mystery, even if you were married. Those days were different. Today it is almost impossible to imagine a marriage like this. Not knowing what your husband does for a living? But back then...it was just different. You followed the rules of the society and kept your thoughts to yourself. After reading the umpteenth worn diary, the ice finally broke.

"One evening some of Satoru's friends, or rather business associates, came over to our home. When he has guests I'm never allowed near his office room. He says he doesn't want me to be burdened with the unpleasant troubles of business. But that day I couldn't help my unceasing curiosity. I sneaked around and started eavesdropping. At first I thought I misheard something. They talked about gambling, weapons and late shipments. I stood there as if my body had been frozen to stone. Even if I wanted to leave I couldn't move. Then I heard the creaking of chair legs, I knew they were about to leave the room. So I took a deep breath and walked hurriedly to our bedroom. That night I laid sleepless next to him. The next morning I gathered my courage and asked him what I had heard. I just learned that my husband was an influential man in the underground. A gangster. Satoru committed so many crimes that he could face hundreds of years in prison. Or they would just hang him. I felt sick as he kept revealing different stories about the business. After letting him finish he seemed relieved, because he finally felt free. He claimed he wanted to tell me the truth a long time ago but he was afraid I would leave him. I'd be lying if I said it hadn't crossed my mind. In the end however, I stayed. Why? Because I love him! And nothing can separate us! Nothing!


Claire put down the diary for a second, blinking fast and trying to process what she just read. "Grandpa was a gangster? Holy shit! That's dope." she thought before grabbing the next book.

"Sakura was born a few weeks ago. She's so sweet and tiny, such a lovely little princess. Satoru is already in love with his daughter. I can see the sparks in his eyes every time he lifts her up. When he hugs her or plays with her. At that time he's not a criminal, a villain, no. Then he's just a father who adores his child. And it's not a lie that he's the best husband in the world. Attentive, kind, caring and passionate. He never lets me feel like there's something more important than Sakura or me."

"It's been years since he passed away and I didn't even want to write a diary anymore. But we lived a decent life together and I want our love to get an ending. So for the last time I will write down my thoughts.

That night Satoru promised to take me to our favorite restaurant for dinner. Just the two of us. We needed some quality time together. The meal was delicious and we had so much fun. Even after all these years I was still in love with my husband. I loved all his silly jokes he told me and I laughed at them just as if I'd heard them for the first time. He seemed so proud when he made me laugh and I found him adorable.

On the way home we walked hand in hand. We chatted about sweet nothings when he took a deep breath and said he changed his mind about his job. He assured me that everything would soon be legal. He just needed some time to sort it out. It's been a long time since I've felt so happy. Everything seemed perfect!

Then, out of the blue, we heard the sound of a deafening siren. Everyone started to panic on the street. We didn't know then what we know today. For us, that was the moment World War II began...

Things really got out of hand and in a few days Satoru was saying goodbye. "Everything will be fine. I'll be back soon." he said. I can still hear his voice as I think about this. He tried to appear strong and calm. But he was terrified, because he knew what awaited him, since he had already survived a war. He gave me a kiss, hugged Sakura and walked out the door.

Years have passed without hearing anything from him. But I didn't lose hope, he promised me he was coming back to me. We heard rumors that the war finally came to an end, but Satoru still didn't appear. I was worried and desperate. I wanted my husband more than anything. One day, I remember that day clearly, someone knocked on the door in the middle of the night. And there he was, my sweet and beautiful man. He dropped all of his stuff and hugged me so tight I thought he was going to break my bones. We both cried without saying a single word. After he came in and we walked to the living room I noticed his face was covered with scars. Later I found out his whole body was covered with them. Satoru told me what happened to him, but I don't want to write it down. I don't want to remember the feeling his story caused me. I felt like my heart was ripped out of my chest. My husband went through hell.

With the end of the war things were getting settled down and we started to rebuild the empire. I was a partner in everything and I never asked any questions. I think it was around the birth of the twins when we finally were able to turn every business legal. From that point both of our lives changed. Happy, calm life...that's what we had. For me Satoru was and will ever be the only one. And even if I miss him terribly I know he's waiting for me and one day we'll meet again. Because even death cannot tear us apart."

Claire got to the end of the diary. There were no more notes, no more stories. She closed the book with teary eyes and placed it among the others. "I will keep your secret, grandma." she whispered. 

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