Chapter 1.

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At a small apartment complex in Brighton, UK.  lives a 19 y/o named Rowan knight who has multiple noises complaints. Some people cant admire the beauty of cranking the amp to 10.

"Rowan. You got another one?! By this rate your going to be evicted" Willow say's picking up the paper off the table. "Yeah, I'm not too loud either the old hag next door is just a cunt" i say as i put my red and black bass guitar down, "Tho she moved yesterday morning!" I cheer, mrs lado has been a pain in my ass the past year. I can't deny that I'm loud because i am but she's about 80 years old living in a apartment complex with a bunch of young adults. "cmon be nice row shes a sweet old lady" Willow say's giggling laying on the couch. "So um hows your brother" it was a long pause after that "He's fine. Dw about him he's a cunt" Willow says  "You deserve better rowan". She was right but i did love him. I can't forgive him for what he did tho.

"Hey, cheer up row. You want to go to the cafe next door?" Willow sits up and grabs her bag "Sure!" I put on a hoodie. We take the elevator down and head to the cafe. It was nice willow always knew how to cheer me up, we have been best friends since we were in year 1. We walked around the park just talking about life but then she had to get home so i did too. 

I got to the 4th floor and someone was moving into the old hags old place.

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