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Ewatomi's POV
" Hey, one of your friends back home called". Ada said, passing a plate of  sliced apples to me. I wonder why whites always slice their apples, an habit Ada had picked up.

" Yeah, sorry I kinda gave her your number. I was going to get a new phone today but I got off work late. I promise am gonna get a new one tomorrow ". I said tiredly. I think am going to be sick soon, I have a nasty headache.

" Yeah, she said to contact her soon. It's important". Ada relayed.

" Alright. I'll do that tomorrow". I replied as I stood up and grabbed the plate.

" You are not eating?"

"I don't have a appetite".

" You're okay?. You look like you are going to collapse anytime soon". She pointed out worriedly.

" Am fine. Just a nasty headache that would soon be gone as soon as I get some sleep".

" I knew this was going to happen. I mean I know we are Nigerians and that we have the greatest fighting spirit but girl, we are still human". She said making me laugh. This girl!

" Well thank you, fellow Nigerian but am okay. Just need some rest ".

" Yeah right, rest of barely four hours ". She stated sarcastically.

" No, I asked Dominick if I could take a day off tomorrow and he agreed. I also asked for a time off at my other part time jobs and they all agreed. So, am going to get some rest tomorrow, get myself a new phone tomorrow and probably some ice cream and also probably go watch a movie ". I replied as a matter of fact.

" What's the occasion?"

" It's Mely-finally-get-a-day-off's day". Chloe chipped in as she entered, closing the door after her. She also just came back from her shift and lucky her is free for tomorrow.

" Hey! ,Y're back".

"Yes. And......I have a free day tomorrow". She announced happily and did a happy dance.

" Ewa told me that already. I think that's great. We could all go see a movie tomorrow. I've always wished for a time when we all could just go out , have some fun........ But you guys are always too busy".

" Not all of us have billionaires as parents". I countered as she shot me a playful glare.

" I think am up for that. There's this new movie out, ' White men can't jump'". She suggested.

" I think I've seen the trailer, it seemed interesting".  Ada added but then asked," How are we going to get a ticket though?.The movie's tomorrow".

" Well, that problem is almost solved. I have two tickets but I think I should be able to get one tomorrow ". She sounded so sure.

" How ?" We both asked together.

" Well, there's this guy where I work . He also got a ticket for he and his girlfriend but unluckily for him. On our way home , we saw her practically kiss-swallowing a guy at a bar. Like they were almost having sex there. Ugh, it was an eye-sore. So, the main point, he looked so pissed that I am so sure he's gonna break up with her". Chloe said so quickly that I almost didn't hear what she said.

" So you want to ask a guy who just broke up with his girl for a ticket to a movie he was supposed to go with his girlfriend?". I asked again in disbelief.

" Um..... Yes?"

Did I forget to mention that Chloe could be mean sometimes?

" You went to a club?"

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