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Ewatomi's POV
I slumped unto the couch tiredly, not even taking off my shoes or dropping my bag.

" Woah girl, get your tired ass off my couch. You have a room. This ain't some lounge". Adanne, who preferred to be called that by I alone and who is also my roomie and the other black girl in this apartment said as she sat next to me munching on some popcorn she probably made.

" Today is the worst day of my life". I lamented without vigor.

"Why?, Didn't you get the job?" She became worried for me.

" No and that's not all".

" What other terrible thing could happen?"

" My phone was snatched ". I said with a broken voice.

" Oh my God!, Did you get hurt?"

" Physically, no. Mentally, yes". I answered pushing myself up to face her.

"Am so sorry Tomi. Anything I can do to make you feel better?"

" Find a job for me?" I tried my luck.

" You know I'll do that if I can, but you haven't processed your stay paper completely". She said apologetically.

" Yeah, I know ". I answered and heaved a sigh. It was something I always do when am tired, frustrated or annoyed.

" Was it because of your stay papers, you were refused the job?"

" No. I was told they would get in touch with me". I replied, dipping my hand into her bowl of popcorn.

"So why did you say you didn't get the job?"

" I got there when the 50th applicant was being called in". I explained as I fed myself her popcorn. She was too engrossed in my story to stop me.

" So?"

" I was no. 14"

" Oh.... that's.." she trailed off, not knowing what to say.

" I also asked the interviewer the  likelihood of me being hired and guess what he said?"

" It couldn't be that bad, aye?" She hoped .

" Thirty percent "

" You had better start searching look for a new job". She advised honestly before snatching back her bowl of popcorn and moving away from me making me chuckle at her childishness.

We were actually three that live in this house, Chloe, I and Adanne. Chloe owns the apartment while I and Adanne pay rent for the apartment. The apartment was quite big and though Chloe initially refused our rent, I and Adanne continued to pay. How are we supposed to be comfortable living in a beautiful apartment like that with the owner very nice and yet not pay rent. It would seem like we were taking advantage of her kindness.

Chloe had been nothing but nice to us. She is a nurse, working at a big hospital. I on the other hand works multiple job everyday while Ada does nothing than go for dates. Couldn't blame her though,  she is the only daughter of a wealthy family back in Africa, Nigeria to be precise. They wanted her to get married early and inherit her mother's successful business but the spoilt heiress had come here on pretence of vacation and had ran off to live her life. Her parents had been searching for her , so her elder brothers had to come here just because of her. She refused to go back home with them and her parents after discovering she is safe here, they left her to her  wishes, hoping she would one day come home . It's been four months now.

Ada is really lucky, a very good example of modern day's prodigal child. Her parents still send her money every week, so basically, she's the rolling dollar here and yeah,  rolling dollar is a slang for rich kid. Chloe wasn't poor either, she had a well paying job and an apartment she could call her own, I guess I was the only ' poor ' person here.

I graduated with flying colors but thanks to limitations caused by my country, I had to come here, I hadn't processed my papers and so, couldn't find a job. Even the job interview I went for today, I didn't think I would be accepted cos even if I am, I would probably be fired, after all , the company is a big one. I might even end up in jail if I am caught.

Simeon's POV.
" You still couldn't reach her?" I asked again and she nodded in reply. This was the sixth time my secretary would be contacting Heywatomi Hadejear or whatever she her name was, I couldn't get the pronunciation right. Was she intentionally ignoring it or did something happen?. There was no way she could have intentionally ignored Nora's calls,  she looked like she badly needed the job then. Or she found another one?.
Why am I even bothered over one applicant?, When there were fifty more applicants. It was one week already since the interview.

" Contact the second person but after that, try contacting her again".I instructed.

" Yes sir". Nora replied before she left to do that.

Why was I so bothered about this girl with a strange surname?. It's been seven days now, yet I hadn't forgotten her?, What was so special about her?, I guess I need to go clubbing today, perhaps I would be able to get her off my mind.

Ewatomi's POV
" Gorgie, did you get that woman over there's order?" Dominick asked me, pointing at a rich looking woman who was seating next to the window. He couldn't correctly pronounce my name, so he gave up and called me Gorgie, short for Gorgeous.

" No. I thought Sophie already did". I answered. I was aching all over already, why do I need to go take the woman's orders when Sophie had been doing practically nothing since.

" Don't you think that woman has been coming here frequently?" He whispered moving closer to me.
Ugh! , His gossiping skills have been activated.

" Aren't you supposed to be happy that your customers are coming frequently?" I sneered at him without him knowing.

" Yes but....."

" Great. I'll go take other orders. Tell Sophie to go take hers". I cut him off before walking away while he muttered, " rude bitch" but I pretended like I didn't hear him.

Exhausted is an understatement for how I feel right now. Don't get me wrong, I am not lazy but having six part time jobs is exhausting. I only sleep barely four hours a day, I even work on Saturdays and Sundays. At this rate, I would soon drop down dead. My shift had already ended and I was preparing to go for the next one when someone suddenly grabbed my hand.

I turned to look at the person, ready to lash out but swallowed back my words when I discovered the person is older than me. It was the woman who had been sitting by the window.

HIS OASIS, HER COMFORT Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora