Chapter 7

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Jennie threw open the door to the rehearsal room after changing in record time. Despite the firm will of the night before, she had struggled to fall asleep right away: Lisa kept dancing seductively in front of her eyes even though she kept them tightly closed completely filling the darkness and, all in all, Jennie-although she would never admit it-didn't even dislike too much imagining Lisa giving her those looks and dedicating her those movements... if it weren't for the blurry frame of Liam that appearing in the middle of the visions completely ruining the atmosphere.

Jennie didn't want to think about it but it was stronger than she was: one moment she was enjoying as a privileged spectator Lisa's show in the darkness of her room and the next moment Liam appeared as a shapeless ghost carrying away an amused Lisa seemingly happy to be locked inside a dressing room.

What they would do behind that door was all in Jennie's imagination and mind.

And in her twisted stomach.

And in her heavy chest that could not relax and finally give in to sleep.

The main consequence of that restless night was that she missed her alarm clock next morning risking being late for rehearsal. On the way from home to YG all she did was mentally blame Lisa for distracting her from wanting to fall asleep right away and then...

And then there was Liam.

Actually, the "moment of scandal" from which it had all sprung was just a moving frame of not even a second in which a figure was vaguely glimpsed and nothing more, but for Jennie it had become a source of further animosity toward Lisa, especially after all the assumptions she had made.

She couldn't explain why, it was just the way it was.

She did not even take a step inside the rehearsal room that her attention immediately turned to Lisa who was helping Rosé stretch.

They exchanged a silent glance that seemed thicker than usual but Jennie wasn't sure, perhaps she was still affected by the previous night.

"Oh finally" sighed Lisa as she moved away from the center of the room to take a sip of water. "Have fun last night?" asked her with a hint of sarcasm.

Jennie felt struck to the core.

It's all your fault, she wanted to respond but restrained herself despite the fact that the exhaustion and the spark of resentment that had ignited were a difficult mix to control.

"Are you okay?" Rosé asked softly, approaching her.

"You have the face of someone who hasn't had much sleep" Jisoo had also walked over to her. "Did something happen?"

"I'm fine" Jennie crossed her gaze again with Lisa, who was approaching in turn, but quickly averted it to direct herself to the dancers fiddling with the radio. "Shall we begin?" she forced herself to smile.

Sienna and Willhan started the music.

Jennie tried hard to ignore Lisa dancing next to her and succeeded most of the time but her attention was inevitably caught.

It's all fault of those damn videos from yesterday, she told herself as she took ample sips from her water bottle trying to catch her breath.

Those videos had stuck with her so much that if she looked at Lisa she felt like seeing her again on the rooftop or in the underground gambling den. She reviewed the various choreographies Lisa had performed and, as her mind focused on a half-naked Lisa in leather boots staring back at her, she felt her throat dry up exactly as it had the night before.

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