Chapter 4

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"I will succeed in destroying your wall of silence, just know it."

Jennie listened to Jisoo's words without even looking up from her cup. They had decided to have coffee before the day's rehearsal but, of course, Jisoo's invitation was essentially aimed at getting her to talk and find out why she was being rancorous toward Lisa. Too bad Jennie would have let herself be tortured rather than reveal the secret she swore to herself she would never tell anyone. It was nothing, it didn't matter and no one was ever supposed to know.

"There is nothing to tell" she kept repeating as she drank from her own cup from time to time and let the silence answer Jisoo's thousand questions and assumptions, at times truly absurd.

"Is it because she tortured a puppy in front of you?" she asked at one point not knowing what to think anymore. "No okay she's a Buddhist it's impossible she did that" paused to think about it. "Don't tell me it's because that time Lisa gave us a keychain and uhm... nothing to you? Come on, you know you were her favorite, it's just that sometimes she struggled to show it!" Jisoo burst out laughing at the memory. "You had a face that night..."

Her favorite.

Jennie shuddered a little. She remembered that day perfectly.

Lisa had just returned from China, where she had spent the last few weeks recording a dance reality show and talking about future plans, as their contract would soon expire and they would disband. For years now, when one of them took a trip alone, she had to bring a gift to all of them. Not that it was an obligation of course, but it was a way of showing that that person had thought of the others despite the distance and it had become an established tradition that none of them had ever broken. As soon as Lisa entered the house, she was greeted by the others with enthusiasm, both because they were happy to see her again and because they were curious to know what the girl had brought as a gift. Shortly after her entrance, she took the bag from her backpack and handed both Jisoo and Rosé a small jade key ring, a typical Chinese stone, engraved with their initials, while for Jennie... well, Jennie waited for her turn all evening, but it never came. As the hours passed, at one point, constantly prompted by the other two who kept asking where Jennie's present was, Lisa, in obvious distress, had stammered something like "Uhm... I forgot" throwing Jennie into total discomfort.

How could she have forgotten ?

Jennie tried to hide her disappointment as much as possible, making an effort to smile and reply with a 'don't worry, I've got it all anyway', but--

NO, that's enough.

Jennie felt her heart clench and struggled to interrupt the memory that was stinging her chest. She clutched the cup in front of her tightly and looked up to see that Rosé had joined them at the table followed by Lisa. They crossed gazes for a moment but Jennie quickly averted hers, flaunting nonchalance and continuing to drink from her own cup while the others sat on empty chairs.

"And to think that we used to have to forcefully pull you two apart" Jisoo commented loudly upon seeing Lisa sit on the exact far side compared to Jennie.

"Unnie, do you remember when you had to sit in the middle because they couldn't keep the distance between each other?" Rosé laughed. "Oppa was furious!"

"Or in concerts when they looked like two magnets" recoiled Jisoo. "no matter where they were on the stage, they always found a way!" they both burst out laughing affectionately.

Jennie was beginning to be annoyed, both by the teasing and the anecdotes they were telling.

"So clingy and needy Deuki" added Jisoo while continuing to snicker with Rosé.

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