The Fight with Miraz

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As Elizabeth and I flew back on Velaxes I noticed something

Our forces travelling back into the hill were significantly less than what had left

I landed Velaxes and helped Elizabeth climb off as I saw Peter and Caspian draw their swords

I ran over to see what was happening and saw Trumpkin on the floor

Elizabeth followed me as Trumpkin spoke

"What are you all standing around for, The Telmarines will be here soon enough"

I watched as they all walked back in and I followed Susan

"Susan come with me" I said and she turned to follow me

She followed Elizabeth and I into a room and I turned to Elizabeth

"Show her" I said and Elizabeth pulled out the necklace showing it to her

"It's a necklace" Susan said looking at it

"Don't you recognise it" I asked "I gave this necklace to someone"

"Oh" She said looking at it "You gave it to-" She cut herself off looking up at Elizabeth then at me

"Beth?" She asked, Elizabeth nodded and Susan hugged her

"When did you find out?" Susan asked me

"When we went to get Velaxes" I responded

I left the my Wife and Daughter to catch up while I walked to meet up with Peter

"Are you gonna tell me I made a mistake too" Peter asked when I found him

"No" I responded "You made a call"

"It's warfare, You can't save everyone" I told him "But you can honour their losses"

"Right now Miraz thinks we are a depleted force"

"We are a depleted force" Peter argued

"We have a dragon though" I said "and we've faced worse odds with a dragon on our side"

Peter chuckled lightly "Remember when we faced the Witches army the first time after Beruna"

I chuckled "Me, You, Orieus and Velaxes" How many did. we kill that day?"

I noticed a Decanter on a table nearby and I picked it up opening and sniffed it

"I'll be damned, Dragon whiskey" I poured out two glasses and Peter moved to sit next to me

"I think it was about 300" he answered the question before taking a sip

"I need to go, I told Susan I'd talk to her" I told him and then downed the rest of my drink

"Hey Jake can we talk" I heard a voice and turned to see Bryce

"What is it Bryce I'm in a hurry"

"Look man, Im freaking out" He started "I understand your used to this and I know I made fun of you for thinking this was real, But now I know it's real and I'm scared, I know your hanging out with your friends who know what they're doing and I know we haven't been friends for a while, I understand it was my fault but I don't have other friends here "

I looked at him sympathetically "I know I may seem like i'm handling it well but i'm terrified too, Ive just reunited with my Wife and Daughter and knowing I could die and leave them or I could lose one of them is scaring me"

I started walking with Bryce following me as we talked

I then felt something was off

I set off running to the Stone Table chamber and Bryce followed me

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