Gifts from Santa

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On the way back to the damn we heard wolves so once we got back we burst through the door and started packing

I grabbed some bags and started packing food

"Do you think we'll need jam" Susan asked

"Only if the witch has toast" Peter responded

The wolves started digging into the damn so beaver opened a trapdoor which revealed a tunnel which we started running down

While we were running the wolves got into the tunnel

When we got to the end beaver pushed a barrel out of the way

Me and Peter pushed the Barrel back into place as Lucy tripped over something

We turned around and saw it was Narnians that the witch turned to stone

"He was my best mate" Beaver said looking at a badger

"This is what becomes of those who cross the witch" We turned to see a fox

"Take one more step traitor and i'll chew you to splinters" Beaver said while Mrs Beaver pulled him back

"Relax, Im one of the good guys" the fox said jumping down to us

"Yea, you look an awful lot like one of the bad ones"Beaver exclaimed

"An unfortunate family resemblance, we can argue breeding later"

At that point we heard the wolves scratching at the barrel

I started climbed into the tree and told the others to come up

When the wolves burst out the fox was surrounded by the wolves

As the fox tried to talk his way out susan almost slipped

At the last second i grabbed her and pulled her close to me causing both our faces turn red

When the wolves left we climbed down and Mrs Beaver started to patch the fox up

We had a small conversation before the fox left and we laid down to rest for the night

We set off early and got a look at the full lands of Narnia before walking down and getting ready to cross the frozen lake

As we were walking we heard a sleigh and bells behind us to cause us to run

I grabbed Susan's hand and pulled her behind me before we found a little place to hide

Mr Beaver then got out to go check if she had left

A few moments later we heard shouting then silence

"I hope you've all been good cause there someone here to see ya" Beaver said making us follow him

"Merry christmas sir"

"It certainly is Lucy" Father Christmas replied

"We thought you were the witch" Peter responded

"In my defence i've been driving these a lot longer than she has" he explained

"I thought there was no christmas in Narnia"

"No, Not for a long time, But the hope you have brought your majesties is finally starting to weaken the witched hold over this land"

He pulled out a large sack and started pulling out gifts

He gave Lucy a dagger and Juice of the fire flower

He gave Susan a Bow some arrows and a horn that will always bring aid

Then he gave peter a Sword and a shield before turning to me

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