I knew I'd actually start going crazy or just get depressed if I went another day without seeing her. I needed her.

She was literally the air that I breathed. My mom broke down when she heard the news and my sister went into denial.

Her family stayed at my house for now, I saw her in all of them and it just made me miss her more, the more we searched for her the further away from finding her we got but I knew I couldn't give up on her.

She'd never give up on me.



I took a shower while Ace waited for me to get out, when I came out he was sitting on the bed, reading one of the books from the cart.

He looked up at me, "your clothes are in the closet." He told me and I walked in a closet to see a cream colored body suit and a blue and cream colored flannel.

His favorite color had to be cream because there was no way this was his second time placing me in this color.

I put on the jewelry and headed into the bathroom to do my hair. I placed it in a messy bun.

Ace had seemed to get in the shower right after me.

Although I had missed home, 3 days away felt like a month, I was growing tired and worried that nobody would come find me. That I would have to get used to seeing this man every morning and every night.

The shower turned off and Ace walked right past me with a towel wrapped around his body, he had the perfect body for a man, I almost felt guilt for glancing as he walked by.

"The color is nice on you." He said and I rolled my eyes. He just kept saying things to me and doing small gestures to get me to talk. It was sickening.

"I'm going out to get things, can you write down what you'd like. The price doesn't matter by the way." He told me.

I didn't want to just leave the paper blank but I also didn't just want to write things down part of me still had hope that Michael would come get. That it wouldn't be too long before he had came.


In the end I ended up writing down canvases, an easel and paint.

I realized that I hadn't painted in a while and it was something I could do before Michael came to get me.

When Ace came back he set up all my painting stuff in the library. He led me to the library.

"There's a record player in here, I bought a bunch of vinyl, I didn't know what music you'd like so I bought everything." He said placing a very heavy stack of records on the small table next to the record player.

"If you need me I'll be in my office." He said and after he left, I was a bit excited to hear some music after sitting through silence for the past few days.

I noticed SZA's ctrl album but then I realized I didn't know how to work this.

I yelled out Carmen's name and she came right away.

"Can you help me work this." I asked and she smiled with a small nod.

After teaching me how I played broken clocks and began to paint.


After hours of painting it started to get dark, a small knock came at the door.

It was Ace, he walked in and smiled at me, the first time I had seen him smile. He had a very nice smile.

He pointed to his cheek, "You have um...paint on your face." He smiled.

I immediately felt embarrassed and tried to wipe it away and that just made him laugh more.

He walked up to me, taking my hand, "Your hands are covered in paint you're just making it worse. You're a mess my love, let me help."

He pulled me from my seat and held my hand as he took me to the nearest bathroom.

He began to wipe my face with a towel but I took it from him because I didn't want him to get too comfortable with helping me out.

I washed my own face.

"Dinner is ready, if you'd wish to eat at the table with me." He said and i shook my head no.

I heard him sigh as we went opposite directions, me to the room and him to go get our plates.

Painting was fun, the most fun I had painting in a minute. I was afraid to admit it, but I loved the quietness here. I loved that I had no responsibility to do anything.

I was free but in the most unfree way ever.

Authors Note



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