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Solàna i want you to know and understand that my intention was never to cause you any harm. I did not know that in doing these things for my brother, id find myself falling in love with the plan. I am genuinely sorry for any pain i caused you. I did exactly as he told me, got close to your brother, got secret information from him, until you showed up, my plans got misled, i came to my senses of how fucked up i was the moment you took care of me the night i got shot. Do you know that that was my brother...who shot me? My own blood and still i did everything he asked of me up until now. i can no longer go on with this act, i have been hating my brother since birth, but...he was family. family that hurt. it's just shit i couldn't live with anymore. I refuse to be a slave to anybody. The only person in this world worth that, is you. You have taught me love in such a short amount of time and I'm sorry i never got to tell you. Everything i did was apart of his plan. He would've killed me anyways so I was doing him a favor. He'll probably show up to my funeral so don't attend but I do wish you listen to every song I wrote about you, every note i wrote also. I'm not crying because I know as you are reading this you understand. You forgive and understand so much. Solàna i pray that you find somebody to give you everything i wasn't allowed to. You are the caregiver and caretaker in one. And when it comes to Michael...you keep him around, he loves you, i see it, he is in love with you. don't let him go. I know that isn't my place to tell you since I...yea. I know I said that's the reason I hurt him but in reality it wasn't, ace told me to take out somebody close, and it was either Michael or you. Your brother is truly only close to you two. But I just wanna tell you what I see in your life. Keep painting, keep nursing, keep being the sweetheart that you are. You are not ready for this world and shouldn't have never been close to involvement which is why i hope you leave one day. Go somewhere else, this isn't home, you don't feel at home here and I know it.
My brother Ace knows nothing about your existence, so please make sure your brother keeps it that way. It'll help, he made me a monster. although I do need to take accountability, i chose this, but it was
do or die
If I didn't do for him, id be somewhere dead.
And when I fucked shit up, my mother ended up dying, he killed my mother sos. Different mothers, same fathers.
It was him.
This crazy shit was all an act. I fucked up so much stuff sos.
I'm sorry.
I apologize.
I wish I could hug you or hear your voice right now, your aura is a blessing and may no other man take it for granted.
I have left things for you the moment I started my plan if you look in your closet, everything for you is there.
Also check underneath your mattress.
I know this may be a lot right now, but i am so glad that my last moments were with your gorgeous face, i wanna apologize for having you go through another traumatic experience but if it wasn't with you I wouldn't have been able to do it. I know the pain and hurt I am leaving behind but also know the relief I'm leaving behind too.
I am just a kid who got caught up in an unwanted lifestyle.
Thank you for pulling me out my love.

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