Lose My Mind

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"Hey dude. Listen to me... I used to think you had it all... Friends. Fame. Views. I thought you had to be the happiest person in the world... But I understand you now..."

"You're really scared, aren't you?"

SMG4 wasn't in control of his body at this point, but he could still hear everything.

"You're scared you could lose it all at any time."

SMG4 very much was scared he could lose everything he's worked for. That's why this perfect video mattered so much. So he wouldn't have to worry anymore. He wanted a video where no matter what happened it would aways be cherished.

"Because you think you're only worth as much as the stuff you make... but I've met your friends, man. No matter what you make they... WE will always be here to have fun and laugh together."

These words. They made SMG4 realize that he will always have his friends regardless of if his videos are popular or not. This perfect video... isn't what he really wants.


"Now let's get out of here!" SMG4 said as he pointed towards a window. He, Mario, Meggy and SMG3 ran, ready to make their escape. Mario and Meggy lead the group, with SMG3 close behind, and SMG4 in the back. The first three jumped through the window effortlessly, but SMG4 wasn't so lucky. He tried to jump, but he was pulled back into the castle by The Creep.

SMG4 woke up stuck in a chair in front of his computer. He desperately tried to free himself, but The Creep's grip on him was too strong. Was it forcing him to finish the video? 4 tried yelling for help, but no one came to his rescue. He had no choice but to finish what he started. SMG4 reluctantly started to edit the "perfect" video that had drove him mad just a few days ago. He furiously typed, hoping if he did this fast enough he could still make it out alive.

Suddenly, there's a loud crack. The castle was collapsing. Shit. 4 was running out of time. There was another crack. And another. SMG4 desperately tried to escape again, but it was no use. His fate was sealed. The top tower of the castle collapsed, and SMG4 was killed instantly.

A few minutes earlier

Meggy, Mario, and SMG3 made it out of the castle in one piece! "Guys! We did it!" Meggy yelled in excitement. All three of them began celebrating together, not even realizing SMG4 was missing.

Suddenly their celebration was interrupted by Boopkins calling out to them. The three quickly made their way over to the rest of the group. "Hey where's SMG4?" Boopkins asked. Mario, Meggy, and SMG3 turned around, hoping to find their guardian friend behind them. Nope. He was still in the castle. Frantically, SMG3 ran towards the castle in hopes of going back in to get 4, but something stopped him. The loud sound of the top tower collapsing. It was over. No hope was left. SMG4 was gone.

3 dropped to his knees and began to sob. It was all his fault. If he would've paid more attention to SMG4, he could've saved him. Mario and Meggy rushed up to 3, both crying. They knew. The rest of the group stayed behind in the shelter of the trees. They didn't know.

Saiko walked up to the three. "It's okay... It's just the top tower. I'm sure-" "4 WAS IN THE TOP TOWER!" SMG3 yelled. It took a moment for Saiko to respond. "Oh... I see." A single tear rolled down her cheek. She began to cry too. Once everyone else knew, they all sat on the edge of the cliff and cried together as they watched the castle sink into the pit.

A figure watched it all go down from deep within the forest.

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