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Marinette was careful . She never transformed back until she knew it was safe to do so. She rarely even used her balcony anymore. 

Today she was in a rush. Her homework was piling up and she had a few commissions she had to complete. She made sure no one would see her transfer on the roof next to the balcony and slide through being unnoticed. 

Marinette flopped down onto her bed and let out a big sigh.

"I need to take a nap Tikki," she said.

"I agree." Tikki replied, "You deserve some sleep."

"I can't though," Marinette sighed, "I've got to complete my home-"


Marinette bolted upright. Was that Alya's voice?


What was she doing here?

"Are you okay Mari?" Alya asked as she climbed the ladder.

"How long have you been here for?" Marinette said ignoring Alya's question. She wasn't okay but she couldn't tell Alya that.

"Long enough to know you enter your house through your balcony and talk to yourself in funny voices."

She was in trouble. There was no logical explanation apart from the truth. Except she couldn't tell the truth. She was stuck.

"Umm..." Marinette said.

"Unless maybe there is a simple answer," Alya continued.

"I d- don't what you mean," Marinette stuttered.

"Maybe a secret identity?" Alya asked but it was more of a statement than a question.

"I have n- no idea w- what you're talking about," Marinette nervously giggled. She was so bad at lying.

"Just admit it."

"Admit what?"

"That you're Ladybug."

"I'm not L- Ladybug."


"I have a stuffed animal that I pretend to talk to sometimes and I was getting some fresh air on my balcony," Marinette tried to explain.

"Well, unless you're stuffed animal can speak then you're lying," Alya said. "And when I got here I couldn't find you at all. And I looked on your balcony and you were not there. You're parents said they didn't even see you come home."

"Alya I'm not Ladybug. And if I was I would insist you stop investigating who she is because knowing would put you and your loved ones in a lot of danger."

"I stopped investigating her identity along time ago Mari," Alya said.

"Then why are you coming up with this whole thing that I am Ladybug?" Marinette snapped back.

She didn't mean to be so harsh. If she didn't convince Alya that she wasn't Ladybug then Alya would be in a lot of danger but it would also put a lot more pressure on herself especially knowing the amount of times she has gotten akumatized.

"I just need the truth girl," Alya said after a moment.

Marinette said nothing. She didn't know what to say. So instead she let her emotions get the better of her and started to cry. 

She felt the tears forming in her eyes. She could feel the warmth of the tears start to stream down her face and her body started to tremble. Alya came up to her and wrapped her arms around shaking shoulders and she just collapsed into Alya's embrace. 

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