"Well, I did give Yuya a sandwich so that he could have something to energize himself before his duel plus who can resist the delicious smells in here" I said.

Reed chuckled before looking at Yuya "well if you got a taste for competition, I have to whip up a cooking duel using my fans all-time favorite recipes" he said.

but before we could get the duel set up, we were interrupted by a woman talking to an older man who happened to be the chairman himself. Reed walks up to the woman who happens to be his mother and he's reassuring her that is nothing to make a big deal of and that he would have Yuya for breakfast in which Yuya and I find it odd/annoying with it. On the bright side his mom then agrees to let Reed duel Yuya

I go to Yuya and whispered "Yuya, I recommend you not to underestimate this guy he may be a celebrity chef, but I can tell he's strong" I warned him.

He looks at me and nodded "I won't...thanks, Carl" he replied with a small smile. I nodded back and I stared at Yuya for a moment as he tilted his head at me "Carl?" he questioned.

'Carl give the readers what they want' Dark said.

I didn't get what she means by that, but I lean towards Yuya and give him a peck on the cheek "Good luck Yuya..." I said before taking a step back leaving a shocked Yuya as I smile, it feels nice in a way.

"So that's what they meant..." I heard Nico smiley muttering.

I look at him "what do you mean by that Mr. Smiley?" I asked him.

"Oh! don't mind me just thinking out loud!" he said laughing nervously as I shrug.

"Yuya!" I look over and I see Tate, Allie and Frederick standing in front of Yuya...still don't get where did they come from

Yuya looks at them "What are you guys doing here?" he asked.

"we're here to cheer you on!" Allie said.

"This duel is your first step to becoming a pro! we wouldn't miss that for anything!" Tate added.

Frederick does a weird dance "Just thinking about it gives me shivers!" he then said.

I smiled and walked up to them "come on, guys let's go to where we can be comfortable and watch the duel" I said in which they look at each other and nodded before giggling.

-a little time skip-

Third Person's POV

Yuya and Reed are getting ready to set the duel

"Ladies and Gentlemen get ready for the main course!" Nico said from a golden microphone in which Carl still don't know where the hell he has that Microphone from "Now it's time to feast your eyes on the challengers. The Sultan of Pendulum summoning Yuya Sakaki vs the hot shot of cooking duels kitchen king Reed Pepper!" Nico announced.

And from the stands you could see a lot of women cheering...and they all housewives which Carl respect that they admire Reed's recipes but at the same time a bit uncomfortable seeing them cheering for someone way younger than them.

'This gives me Gary from Pokemon vibes... but less arrogant' he thought.

"Now, may I present you Chairman Fava!" Nico said as the chairman rise up from his seat and the crowd cheered while everyone looks at him.

"Cooking is a quest a journey to discover the ultimate, same with dueling" he said. Yuya was looking at him very unsure with what does he mean "these two opponents are on a quest for this reason is fitting they battle on a field designed for a phenomenal food fight. I activate the action field spell chaos Kitchen!" he stated as the stage changes.

I'm like Carly, but I'm not Carly (Yugioh Arc V)Where stories live. Discover now