"We are children" Edmund spoke

"We weren't always, It's been a year how long does he expect us to wait" Peter said before sitting down

"I think it's time to accept that we live here, it's no use pretending any different" I said

"What about Jake?" Peter asked before going silent

I thought about Jake, His Green eyes, The way he looked at me and the way he would kiss me

The dumb arguments we would have then laugh about the next day

His smile and the way he looked in his armour

I started feeling sad and looked around noticing the boy from before

"Pretend your talking to me" I told them

"We are talking to you" Edmund said back

"OW" Lucy shouted standing up

"Quiet Lu" I told her

"Something pinched me"

"Hey stop pulling" Peter accused Edmund standing up

"I'm not touching you"

I watched as the train started speeding up

"What is that?" I asked feeling something

"Feels like magic" Lucy said

"Quick everyone hold hands" I told them

"I'm not holding his hand" Edmund said before peter grabbed his

Parts of the station flew away and soon enough we where in a cave by a beach

Lucy and I looked at each other before we ran to the water followed by Peter and Edmund before I heard it


It was a shout from a familiar voice

I looked back to the cave and saw

Jake PoV

I was at school and it was break

I was playing football with some friends when someone started pushing one of them

"Hey leave him alone" I shouted to the guy pushing my friend

He turned around and I immediately recognised him

Bryce Riley

He was slightly taller than me and a fair bit stronger

He had been my friend until a year ago when I had told him about Narnia

I had just lost Susan and was deviated and needed someone to talk to so I talked to him

He called me a kid saying I was getting upset over make believe and we got into a fight

He came over to me

"Got something to say Archer" He asked

"Yeah stop being a twat Riley"

He swung for me which I dodged before punching him in the face

He attacked again and we got into a proper fight until a teacher came up to us and sent us to the headteachers office

We were currently sat in a room waiting when he jumped up

"What the hell Archer" He said

"I didn't do anything" I shouted back

"You pinched me" He shouted again

The king of Tomorrow(Susan Pevensie X Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now