Daughter of Crows

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Humans - Humans serve both as a food source as well as a means of pro-creation for vampires, who reproduce by performing a ritual that will transform a human being into an undead immortal. Humans make up for the majority of the earth's population, and are commonly noted for their desire to influence and understand the environment by seeking to explain and manipulate phenomena through mythology, philosophy, religion, and science.

Werewolf - The origin of the werewolf race remains a mystery, but these werewolves are part of the evolution of early humans. Werewolves were part of the prehistory of humans during the Stone Age. The original werewolves are more civilized, benevolent, and reasonable when compared to infected werewolves (those who were bitten or had their curse triggered).

Werewolves can transform and stop if needed, werewolves can learn to change at will when the moon comes out, although it can be difficult. According to the legends of the pack, one of their Alphas had fathered a child to a very powerful witch around a thousand years ago. This child, a son, was later transformed into something they had never before seen, something both werewolf and vampire, revered as the devil, he is Lucien Black. That was the start of a new generation.

Werewolves are very similar to witches when it comes to their own kind. Unlike vampires, werewolves have an unwavering sense of loyalty, and will often bond with other werewolves they meet. They form packs and work with each other as sort of an extended family. The bond of loyalty between werewolves is so strong that while changed under full moons, the only beings they do not attack are other werewolves (regardless of whether or not they have activated their werewolf gene).

Vampire - Vampires are magically reanimated human corpses which are inhabited by the spirits of the deceased person and who closely resemble the living human they were before their transformation. Vampires feed and survive on the blood of the living, typically on that of humans, and they can also transform other humans into more of their kind by sharing their own blood with them.

Witch - Witch covens are hierarchical just as werewolf packs, a coven acts as a large organization or an extended family, offering support and protection to its members, but it's also administered by strict rules of conduct that lead to severe punishment those who transgress the rules, especially among New Orleans covens.

Sometimes it is possible that within the same coven there are factions with different agenda. This may be caused by personal motivations and beliefs, feuds or personal gain. However, one of the tasks of Elders and Regent is to keep peace among the witch community members.

Hybrid - Hybrids are a cross-breed of two or more different supernatural species. The term is commonly used to describe a werewolf mixed with human blood due to the fact that they were the first supernatural hybrid to be introduced in the novel. However, since the werewolf- human hybrid's creation, there have been other hybrids, such as siphoner turned witch-vampire hybrids, werewolf-witch hybrids, and, in the unique case of Daniel Renfield, a witch-werewolf-vampire tribrid.

Hybrids possess both the strengths and some of the weaknesses of their parent races, along with powerful attributes unique to themselves alone due to their combined heritage. For siphoner-werewolf hybrids, they retain their ability to siphon magic and their own lycanthropy as a power source for their use in witchcraft; as they did not possess their own magic as siphoners; this is a skill that makes them powerful.

Erebos pack - Erebos pack, is a pack of Evolved werewolves native to New Orleans and its surrounding area, the Bayou. The Erebos Pack has several werewolf bloodlines. The most notable, the Cromwell Family and Black Family, are considered werewolf royalty. The Erebos Wolf Pack is the largest known gathering of werewolves known to exist. As one of the oldest packs known, it is one of the seven original packs along with the Nicodemus and Morros Pack.

Obsidian pack - Obsidian is within the town of New Orleans, a small community nestled deep within the forest, a secret lurked beneath the moonlit nights. Werewolves roamed freely, their existence known only to a select few. However, the townsfolk had long believed in the tale that silver was their ultimate weakness. Little did they know that the truth was far more complex.

Among the werewolves, an unspoken code dictated their actions – a code born out of self-preservation. Prolonged contact with silver turned them into statues, the body part touching the silver first becoming forever frozen. Some had resorted to drastic measures, severing limbs to avoid such a gruesome fate. Yet, they harbored a deep terror of silver bullets, for they turned the werewolves' blood into solid silver, an agonizing demise.

Nicodemus - Superstitions and misconceptions clouded the truth, allowing the werewolves to manipulate their adversaries and preserve their hidden community. Though silver and wolfsbane held power over some, it was the peculiarity of gold, the strength of disbelief, the cunning of deception, and the vulnerability to iron and clothing that truly shaped the lives of O's werewolves.

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