Chapter 7: Hojin's Birthday Fan & Charlie's Birthday Gift For Karina

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-Thursday, April 6, 2023~12:27PM-

~Hojin's POV~

We were enjoying our lunch when our waiter brought us another plate of food. I looked around as none of my members seemed to claim the dish.

"Excuse me," I said to our waiter to stop him from walking away. "None of us ordered this."

"They did." The waiter said, looking over at a booth in the corner. I looked over to see a couple of school girls giggling and hiding their faces. "They said specifically that it was for you."

"I see." I sighed then looked back at the waiter. "Thank you."

The waiter nodded and walked away.

"They must have done it for your birthday, unnie." Gaia said.

"That's so sweet!" Charlie exclaimed. "They must be fans."

"Hojin has fans?" Skylar teased, even though it was a statement I could believe.

"I don't want it." I shook my head, not liking the idea of them ordering me a dish.

"Then I'll eat it." Yuki reached for the plate. I swatted her hand away and stood up, grabbing the plate before walking away with it. "Hey! Where are you going?!"

I ignored my members and walked up to the two girls dressed in school uniforms.

"Excuse me." I got their attention.

"OMO!" One of them looked nervously excited.

"Hello." The other one bowed, seeming calmer than her friend. "We are big fans of CHROMATIC."

"Thank you, but we don't need this." I said, placing the plate on the table.

The calm one looked at her friend, making me do the same.

"But I got it for your birthday." She said through shy breaths.

"I appreciate it but-" I started to say.

"You're my ultimate bias." The female said spontaneously. I saw her eyes practically sparkle as she looked at me. As for myself, I froze from the words.

"Ult...Ultimate bias?" I asked, not sure if I heard her correctly.

"Yes." The female nodded. She suddenly got a boost of energy because she didn't seem shy anymore. "I've been supporting you since I first saw you on PINKSTAR. I loved your look, your personality, your talent. I only voted for you. I was really disappointed when you didn't debut in Asteria. But then I found out you were debuting in CHROMATIC and...! Well, I was really happy."

Her shyness grew again with the last sentence and she slid down the booth to hide herself. I found myself slightly smiling.

"I didn't know I was popular enough to be someone's ultimate bias." I told her.

"Well you're mine and that'll never change." She gave me a cute smile. I couldn't help but snicker.

"If I'm your favorite, how come you never came up to ask for a picture or something?" I asked her, looking at both of them.

"She didn't want to disturb you." Her friend spoke on her behalf. "Plus, she's really shy."

I couldn't help but fancy the girl as she somewhat reminded me of someone. I noticed a phone sitting on the table near the shy girl's hands.

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