Meeting with Aslan

Start from the beginning

I ran my fingers over the dragon on the chest plate before changing into a simple grey tunic with black pants

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I ran my fingers over the dragon on the chest plate before changing into a simple grey tunic with black pants

I refastened my sword belt to my waist but left my shield on the table with my helmet

I walked outside and noticed Peter walking off so I followed alongside him

We came to a stop on a hill looking over the camp and all the way to "Cair Paravel" I spoke

"The castle of the four thrones" Aslan spoke walking to stand between us "On one of which you will sit Peter, as High King"

Peter gave a skeptical look and Aslan spoke again "You doubt the Prophecy"

"No, that's just it" Peter started "I'm not who you all think I am"

"Peter Pevensie, formerly of Finchley" Aslan spoke "Beaver also mentioned you planned on turning him into a hat" Aslan chuckled lightly "Peter, There is a deep magic more powerful than any of us that rules over Narnia, It defines right from wrong and governs all our destinies, Yours and Mine"

"But I couldn't even protect my own family" Peter argued

"You've brought them safely this far" I spoke to him

"Not all of them" He said solemnly

"Peter" Aslan spoke "I will do all that I can to help your brother, But I need you to consider what I ask of you, I too want my family safe"

After that I left them to talk and walked back to camp quickly entering my tent

I was sat on a chair in my tent sharpening my sword when I heard susan's horn

I quickly stood up and left the tent noticing Oreius coming over to me with a black saddled horse following him

"Get on" He said when he got close to me

I climbed onto the horse and started following him

When we got to where the horn came from I saw Peter circling Morgrim and Aslan pinning another wolf onto the ground

Orieus charged in but was stopped by Aslan

"No this is Peters battle" Aslan spoke

"You may think your a king but your going to die" Morgrim jumped at Peter shouting "Like a Dog"

Aslan let the other wolf go and I quickly followed it as I was accompanied by Orieus, A satyr, Two fauns and a Cheetah

It was nearing nightfall when we made it to the witches camp and attacked

I killed a minotaur and two dwarves while Orieus and the Satyr freed Edmund and pinned another Dwarf to the tree

I helped Edmund onto the back of my horse before we set off back to Aslans camp

When we arrived I took Edmund to Aslan

"Here he is Your Highness" I said before heading back to my own tent and going to sleep

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