Stepbrother... 2/4

Start from the beginning

She sat on his lap as he wrapped his hands around her waist as a reflex since he dated before and yadede yadada...

"Remember our deal?"

"Yes I remember duh I'm not thatt forgetful, also just sooo you have beef with Macki doesn't mean I can still be friends with Kam"

"But whyyyy, Cori.. Y'know I get jealous easily.."

He had to play along..
He sighed

"Yes.. sorry Beautiful. Buttttt..."
Calling her that made almost made Cori gagged. Holly glees with joy, even if he yaps

Next Day in School

As Holly walked in school with tiny booty shorts on and a crop-top on knowing she will get dressed-coded, she spot Macki in her group again?! What happened was Macki said it was a prank and she doesn't eat her boogers (Ik what a childish rumor?) and especially they agreed and trusted her to be the leader again since 2nd lead couldn't take the girls so now she back popular... same with April, in their group. Now it's time to do her thing.

In 1st period
Since they have a little break before they start class, she posted it on Snapchat, Facebook and Tiktok. The apps some students care about the most. She puts the trans flag on a black background and typed

"OMGGG, did y'all know that freak April is trans? She use to be a man LMAO!!!! Her dead name is Brandy, USE IT AGAINST HER LMAOOOOOOO, Her user
Snapchat: ItszzApril_herez
Tiktok: April_seasoningz
Facebook: Scorpion..April

You should've stick with man boo 💋"

Then she posted it,
Dings went on
Commotion went off
They still had 25 minutes
Hell broke out.

She heard mutters
"Omg April trans?"
"Isn't she in Macki Group?"
"Brandy? No wonder why he changed it"
She heard snickers until the teacher shut the commotion down to start there lesson, History.

During 1st period

Holly secretly looked though her phone and holy smokes, "April" posted, multiple people from the school posted, some said it was wrong, some made fun of it. April post looked funny to her

"Guys, ys I am trans but please stp sending me hate messages and death threats, if ur disgusted just don't talk to me or jst leave me alone u creeps, and YourMoments. I now know who you r. Stop doing these type of things that you gain pleasure from probably or I am exposing u.

and 4 the people who are privately DMing me you are just.." blah blah blah and it goes on, Holly thought

Holly almost giggled at that until she got yelled at for being on her phone and was ordered to give it to her, she would give it on the 9th period which is the same class of 1st period. Macki post was on there too and she had time to read it luckily.

"April i am sorry you got exposed, I guess... I can see wht I can do 4 you or smth, trust me. The group can help you with the same thing with yeah yeah.. but for now... you have to be put out of our group, srry nt srry April.."

Hallway —

Holly had a free period the 6th period. Her stepbrother had soccer practice at that period, so she thought 'let's sneak in his locker' she asked to go to the bathroom in her 5th period. She walked in the boys locker room secretly and hid in his locker, it was his shoe locker since she will be caught in his uniform locker but she will be caught in his shoe locker right? Nah he keeps his shoes on top of his locker, what's the point of having it? Anyways, It was time for 6th period

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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