11. Trying to hide

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3 days after arriving in Flagstaff, Arizona, the team was already flying back to Quantico, having successfully apprehended and arrested the unsub. While they had been getting through the profile of the unsub, - one missing piece closer to catching them - Y/N had woken up, meaning the team could say hello to her when they got back.

When Y/N opened her eyes, she was greeted to the sight of Jack playing with some toys he had brought with him, while Haley talked to Penelope.

Jack got excited at the sight of Y/N slowly opening her eyes. He immediately started pulling at his mother's top, signalling to her that Y/N was now awake.

Y/N struggled to keep her eyes open, but when she managed to get a glimpse of Jack, her heart instantly raced. Jack was a friend of Y/N's. Whenever Haley and Hotch needed a babysitter, they immediately dialled Y/N's number - usually because Jack didn't feel comfortable with most others they introduced him to.

"Ho- H- Haley." Y/N couldn't help that she wanted Hotch. She wanted to see him, to hug him, to let him know that she was okay. But she couldn't, at least, not while Haley was around.

"You're awake!" Penelope gasped, gently wrapping her arms around Y/N.

"P- Penelope." Y/N breathed, trying to move - failing. The moment she moved her head, the pain in her shoulder shot through her body.

"Don't move." Penelope held Y/N down slowly, trying to prevent more pain.

"W- Where's the...team?" Y/N asked, confused.

"They're flying back from a case in Flagstaff, Arizona." Penelope smiled, grabbing her phone. She called the team through the laptop on their jet, waiting for them to connect with the call.

"What's up, baby girl? Is Y/N okay?" Derek asked as he turned the laptop on the jet so everyone could see her.

"She's better than okay. She's awake, and she has visitors." Penelope giggled. She moved the laptop so that Y/N, Haley and Jack were in view.

Hotch's face immediately dropped, which - thankfully - wasn't caught by the team, considering he was behind everyone.

He was glad that Haley and Jack had visited her, considering they were so close before - and after - Hotch and Haley divorced. The sight of Jack sitting on Y/N's hospital bed, his toys in hand, made Hotch smile - and blush. From the moment Y/N was introduced to his son, Jack adored her. She made him cookies that he loved. She'd always play his games and find a way to compromise if she wanted him to do something that he didn't.

Y/N didn't lift her head - trying to avoid the pain. She weakly lifted her hand and gave the team and thumbs-up, smiling.

"You look good, Y/N. How do you feel?" JJ asked as she leaned forward.

"Like I got shot in the shoulder. Moving my head is a bitch- apologies for my language." Y/N breathed, exhaling.

"You can swear as much as you want, Y/N. You got shot." Derek chuckled.

"T- Thanks for your permission." Y/N rolled her eyes.

"Well, Y/N...get plenty of rest. I'm sure you won't get any rest when we return back to Quantico." Emily smiled.


The team wanted to take turns visiting Y/N. The last thing they wanted was for Y/N to be overwhelmed.

Emily went first. She brought Y/N some magazines, and they spent their time talking about how shitty Strauss was. Derek went next, bringing some tea for the injured Agent, who started making jokes about him. JJ and Reid visited at the same time, JJ bringing some puzzles for Y/N, while Reid brought her some books. Rossi was next, him and Y/N getting into a lovely discussion about some of the topics within the books he wrote.

Last came Hotch. He stopped by a florist and bought a small bouquet of flowers for Y/N. When he reached Y/N's hospital room, Hotch was nervous. He hated seeing any of his Agents injured or in the hospital, but for some reason, seeing Y/N in the hospital was harder.

He knocked on the outside of her hospital room - all thanks to Penelope for her technical skills.

"Come in." Y/N smiled. Hotch walked inside and was immediately greeted to Y/N's warm smile.

"I was wondering when you'd show up. I missed you." Y/N smiled, not caring about what she was saying. It was clear to Hotch that she had been given another dose of pain killers that were making her a bit loopy.

"I- I missed you too, Y/N. I'm glad that you're okay." He placed the bouquet on her bedside table, watching as she giggled.

"So, I saw that Haley and Jack visited. That must've been nice." Hotch tried to make small-talk. In his head, all he wanted to do was hold her hand and kiss her, show her that he was right there to support her. But he couldn't.

"It was nice. I love Jack and Haley is amazing. But, I have to admit that I would've preferred your company over everyone else's." Y/N breathed. A lump formed in Hotch's throat. He didn't know how to respond to that. We was happy though. She had admitted to him that she preferred to be with him over Derek, or Emily, or even Reid.

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