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I'ts been a few days since wisteria arrived and had decided to let Jack turn her I was sitting comfortably when all of a sudden  wisteria came running in crying I turned to her and said what happened she sobbed I saw him making out with Katie I turned and said who she replied Jack I was so mad I yelled through the mindlink and ordered the guards to bring me JACKSON HARLOW AND KATIE MONTGOMERY a unanimous yes your highness was replied not a second later Dominic and Cas entered along with al they all asked what was up when they looked to see wisteria hysterically  crying I turned and said Jack was seen making out with Katie by wisteria herself  as soon as those words left my lips Katie and Jack entered seeing their disheveled appearance I started to convulse and the aura seeping out from me had everyone on their knees Dominic suggested I think rationally I sighed and said explain why you were literally caught with your pants down Jack he went to protest but wisteria said I saw you with her Jack he went to say something but wisteria said save it what's that saying an eye for and eye right she turned and said ky could you ask Roman to join us. I nodded and a few minutes later Roman appeared he bowed and said you rang your highness I turned and said to Dominic and Cas would you please restrain Jack as wisteria turned to Roman and said would you kindly turn me he looked shocked at her request Jack started to convulse and said no don't you dare wisteria turned and said you should have thought about the consequences of screwing Katie and now you have to live with the fact that I wisteria harbrooke reject you Jack Harlow as my mate do it now Roman when all of a sudden Jack broke free and lunged at wisteria and forcefully marked her and stormed away not before whispering sorry as wisteria passed out.


It wasn't until I was yanked away from Katie that I realized what I had done she was smiling and said I hope wisteria enjoyed the show I was livid as I was being haulled off along with Katie once we arrived at the palace the princess had just told al Cas and Dominic what I had done I could hear my mate crying the princess turned towards us with a deadly glare and spoke just before she could finish my mate steps forward and said I saw you then asked ky to summon Roman as soon as he entered wisteria asked him to turn her I was more livid than ever but before I could say anything she rejected me and told  Roman to bite her but before he could I broke free and forcefully marked her and stormed off whispering sorry.


It had been 4 weeks since Jack forcefully marked wisteria and she was still unconscious Jack was frantically muttering what have I done when all of a sudden wisteria groaned sitting up as soon as she saw Jack she screamed the fear was rolling off her in waves ky came running in saying what happened I sighed and said she's afraid of Jack ky sighed and said Jack I think it's best if leave until she calms down  he looked defeated but didn't protest as he walked out and closed the door.


As I awoke and sat up I saw Jack I was immediately shrouded by fear and screamed the look he had on his face was mortifying I almost felt bad but I was so consumed by fear that I couldn't bring myself to tell him to stay ky and Al's sat beside me rubbing my back I started to sob when there was a light knock on the door and in came Dominic and Cas and another man I assume was the doctor I scurried away and started screaming ky and Al's looked at me and asked what was wrong and the doctor bowed and said if my assumption is correct I think she is temporarily suffering from androphobia it's a fear of the male gender I will get Laura to come take over I started to cry and apologize when ky sighed and said there's no need to apologize its something beyond our control when there was a knock at the door a lady walked in and bowed saying I'm glad to see your awake you had us all quite worried I started to apologize when she chuckled and said I almost bit my brothers head off for doing that to you. I cocked my head she sighed and said my brother is Jack I nodded and said oh she looked at me and said now I know this might be hard but I want to test a theory if you're up for it I sighed and said will it help the androphobia she sighed and said I hope so when she opens the door a man walks in but he seemed a bit different he walked towards the doctor and in a girly voice he said is this the sleeping beauty she nodded he looked at me and said hey girly may I approach I nodded as he sat down and said omg your gawgeous if I wasn't into guys I would so do you I chuckled and said your weird he placed his hand on his heart feigning hurt but said ooh she's a fireball he looked at ky and said can I keep her she laughs and said no you dork she's not a toy I sighed and said why am I ok around him the doctor sighed and said because he identifies as being a woman but looks like a man although he acts like a b- Luca turned and how can you say that about me I'm your brother too well sisterbro. All of a sudden it felt like a rubber band snapped at my head ky stood up and said welcome to the fray what's her name when I asked who a voice inside my head said me dummy my name is kitty your wolf. I replied she said her name is kitty and she wants to speak with aro? The door opened and in came Jack he said sorry but aro is freaking out he said your wolf was pissed at me and she wants his balls on a silver platter.

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