Chapter 37-40

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Chapter 37

When Chen Yuan heard the voice, she stepped out and saw Shen Huai and Liu Chuan standing at the door. She greeted, "Editor Liu, you're here. Do you have something to discuss with me? Why don't you come in and have a seat?"

Just as Liu Chuan was about to speak, Shen Huai patted him on the shoulder with a smile and said, "Yes, please come in and have a seat. I forgot to offer hospitality. My apologies for the oversight."


Shen Huai hadn't shown this attitude earlier. Seeing Chen Yuan's arrival, his change in demeanor was quite sudden.

Feeling a chill on his neck and the cold wind blowing against him, Liu Chuan turned around and noticed Shen Huai's unintentional gaze, which seemed dangerous. He realized that he had become too excited and immersed in his own imagination earlier, failing to notice that the other party's mood wasn't great.

Once they reached the living room, Liu Chuan didn't dare to be too presumptuous. Having regained his composure, he explained his intentions to the two.

"Mr. Chen, I apologize for the early visit, but this matter is of great importance to our publishing house. I hope you can consider it."

Chen Yuan asked, "Then go ahead and tell me what it is."

As Liu Chuan spoke about his idea, he grew more serious. "Here's the thing: in your previous English books, I noticed the hand-drawn animation illustrations by you. The art style is exquisite, and it got me thinking if we could publish a separate comic book for children. We can release a set of 20 comic books in three series, totaling 60 volumes. If it's successful, we can sell each volume for two or three yuan. If children enjoy the art style and the story content, they'll want to collect the entire set. The income and profits from selling a complete set of sixty books would be enormous."

In order to persuade Chen Yuan to agree, Liu Chuan even brought along some best-selling comics published by other houses. Compared to Chen Yuan's previous illustrations of "Greedy Snake," the art style and composition of these comics were worlds apart.

Chen Yuan's "Greedy Snake" illustration was a part of a snake chess game, with a small snake character having particularly agile and vivid features. She had drawn several versions of this little snake, all of which were beautifully crafted. Children loved it.

On the other hand, the comic that Liu Chuan brought had small animals in it, but the coloring was simple, making it look rigid and lacking flexibility. When compared to "Greedy Snake," it was like comparing heaven and earth.

Liu Chuan had never thought that the art style of these popular comics was ugly because most of the comics sold on the streets were of a similar quality. Besides, the target audience was children, and adults' aesthetic sense didn't matter much. It seemed like anything could sell. The threshold for this line of work was low, and many people could sell their comics in front of schools, video stores, or small shops without needing to go through bookstores.

Liu Chuan believed that these ugly-style comics on the market could sell well, and Chen Yuan's high-end art style would certainly make even more money. If she created her own comic book, other comics wouldn't stand a chance.

After explaining his idea, Liu Chuan looked at Chen Yuan with expectant eyes.

When Shen Huai heard that Liu Chuan wanted Chen Yuan to collaborate on comic books, he wasn't as uncomfortable as before. Although he still thought that Liu Chuan was a little impulsive, the prospect of making money improved Liu Chuan's image in his eyes.

At the same time, Shen Huai marveled at Chen Yuan's exceptional talent. Nothing could overshadow her brilliance, and every second could bring even greater surprises, leaving one unaware of her limits.

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