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Weeks later

A wolf and a snake sit across from each other at a booth "Stop!" the wolf groaned with annoyance, the sound of light clinking of a spoon against the surface of glass followed by a smooth laugh in response. "I'll stop if you just...explain it to me because I don't-" Snake, tired of the conversation, tries to put an end to it. "Would you please just drop it." the two of them having a conversation about birthdays, with Mr. Wolf expressing his love for birthdays and Mr. Snake being uninterested.

wolf picks up his mug and takes a sip then Snake gripped onto one of the coffee creamers to pour into the individual's mug. The two friends share a brief silence before the wolf breaks it with a laugh and a smile. wolf tries to convince the snake that birthdays are enjoyable, listing the reasons people love them. "But I mean, C'mon! Everybody loves birthdays!" Snake's head had tilted back remaining uninterested with a groan.

"You got decorations, you got balloons, you got parties and cake!" Wolf smiled and leaned forward words his friend "Look, I don't need presents, I don't want decorations, a-and I'm not a cake guy!" snakes relax against the table.   "Seriously though, you don't like cake? Name one food better than cake." "Guinea pig?" He playfully suggests that guinea pig would be a better dessert than cake, showing his unique taste preferences with a huge grin, Snake displayed his razor-sharp fangs, his mind briefly entertaining the idea of a delectable Guinea pig resting on a plate. His anticipation heightened as he raised his spoon.

"Oh, again with the Guinea pig. But- hah, if I blindfolded you, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a sunk, and a guinea pig." Wolf teases Snake about his unusual choice, "Wrong! Snakes have impeccable taste buds, I can taste air!" snake confidently claims that he can taste air and appreciates its flavor.

"Air?" wolf Questions "Yes! Air." Snake raised his head in regal fashion, extending his forked tongue to sample the surrounding air, as the wolf observed with a smile tinged with amusement. "Nice~" " I don't know, a little uhm... Cute for my taste," he replied, finding the notion amusing.

"That's what makes them so delicious, you're not just eating food. You're eating pure goodness," Filled with eager anticipation, inclined his head forward, his eyes brimming with hunger and longing, hoping for his dear friend to recognize and acknowledge his craving for the delectable treat.  "It's not about the pig, it's about what it symbolizes on a deeper level!"

 "So, you can- you can taste air?" Wolf amused, jokingly questioning whether the snake can hear colors or see sounds. A vexed sound escaped Snake's mouth as he pivoted his head, feeling frustrated as the wolf seemed oblivious to all the excitement and anticipation, he had built up inside himself. "What else you got?" "Forget about it."  snake's annoyance grew but tried to dismiss the wolf's teasing. 

 "Wha- woah- could you also hear color?" Wolf continues to playfully mock him "Can you see sound?" "Alright, alright Okay..." snake said but Wolf continues teasingly, on these extraordinary skills. "Cause we should really be capitalizing these skills!"  "Okay, alright fine! Get it all out, get it all out now!" Snake hissed, irritated by the wolf's persistence. snake playfully shows the time on a red clock that reads 4:00 PM, "Look at that! 4:00 PM. Now I know the exact moment our friendship died." snake implies that their friendship will be forever marked by this lighthearted disagreement.

The wolf finds snake's humor amusing.  the light-hearted nature of the friendship between the wolf and the snake, showcasing their playful banter and the humorous moments they share. "Let's bounce." "Yup."  snake agrees, swallowing the clock back. "Tastes like, uh, you're gonna stick me with the bill... again," Wolf complained, expressing his mock frustration. Snake, with a mischievous grin, responds to Wolf's complaint.

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