The Mix Up

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Harry was right. Around 7 o'clock sharp Archie ran into their bedroom. "Papa! Daddy! Wake up!" Louis and Harry groaned. The next sound was a baby screaming.

Harry got up out of the bed to attend to the baby. Archie looked over to see two little babies.
He gasped. "Why are the babies here? Why not in Daddy's belly?"

Louis sat up and pulled Archie into his lap. "Daddy had the babies last night while you were asleep. They are pretty right?"

Archie nodded. He crawled out of Louis lap to see a baby in his Daddy's arms. "What his name?"

"This one's name is Ranger. The other baby's name is Arlo." Harry explained to Archie that he wasn't able to play with his little siblings because they are too small.

"How about you and I go down stairs and make food for your Daddy? We can make him a smoothie." Louis was actually hungry. He figured his son would be also. Archie agreed. He followed Louis down the stairs to help him with the food.

Harry laid Ranger down on the bed. He went into the closet and found two beige onesies for the twins. He took Arlo out of the bassinet, laying him down next to his brother. Harry changed both Arlo and Ranger into fresh diapers and clothes. He decided that he will join his husband and oldest son down stairs. Harry laid the twin boys in a bouncer. Each boy having one to themselves.

When he walked into the kitchen he saw that Archie had ate all his fruit and vegetables. He kissed his cheek dismissing him to go and watch tv.

"Hey Lou can you bring me Ranger? I need to feed him." Harry sat in a chair that was paired with the table.

Louis nervously nodded his head. Walking over to the twins. He wasn't able to tell them apart. Only Harry could do that. "Um...raise you hand if your name is Ranger." Louis waits. Not one baby moves.

"Shit. I guess we have to play the guessing game." Louis gently picks up the baby that was to the left of him. Bring him over to Harry who smiles when he sees Louis.

Harry takes the baby laying him down in his arms. He pulls his shirt up to feed what he thinks is Ranger. Only when he starts to put his nipples inside the baby's mouth he doesn't suck. "Louis are you sure this is Ranger?"

Louis gives in. "No I guessed. I can't tell them apart only you can." Louis complains that he wasn't able to.

"Louis I know you can't tell them apart. I think you have to study them. It's like a test." Harry says. "Now go back and give me Ranger. This little boy is Arlo."

Louis huffs but does what he is told.

"I love you." Harry says.

"You lucky I love you too"

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