Ready or not Here They Come

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It's was now 3:40 in the morning and Harry was definitely in labor. His contractions are 5-7 minutes apart. He had already called his midwife, Payton, to come over to help him deliver the the babies.

Louis is asleep on the bed. He had really tried to stay awake. But he failed miserably. Harry needed him to get up so he can put warm water into the birthing pool.

Harry shook Louis to get him up. "Mhm...five more minutes." Louis moaned. Harry wasn't having any of it. So he did what he knew would wake Louis up. He slapped his ass. "Ow! That hurt. Now I am definitely up." Louis looked over to see Harry who had just gotten a contraction. "Oh I am sorry. I forgot." Louis rubbed his husband's back trying to be supportive.

When the contraction ended Harry looked up to Louis. "They are 5-7 minutes apart. I already called Payton, she is on her way over. I just need you to put water into the pool. I remember that we blew it up. It should be inside the closet."

Louis nodded at went to the closet. Harry was right the medium size circle pool was in there. He pulled it out, places it on the floor. After that he went to get a pitcher from the kitchen. While he was down there he made sure to unlock the front door for Payton to enter.

When Louis came back up from the kitchen Harry was whimpering on the side of the bed. He wasn't even gone 5 minutes. He knew that Harry was going to have the babies soon.

Louis went into the bathroom, filling up the pitch then pouring it into the pool. He repeated this process until the water was at a midpoint of the pool.

"Help me get naked. I need my clothes off please." Harry's water hasn't broken yet. He was expecting it to break soon though.

"Yeah no problem." He and Harry managed to get Harry's clothes off and him inside the pool. When Harry was inside the pool Payton came into the room.

"Hello Harry and Louis. How are we holding up in here? Everything good?" Louis nodded his head. He wasn't scared for the birth. It's just that there are so many things that can happen when giving birth to twins. "Alrighty then. Has your water broke Harry?" Harry shook his head no.

"Okay. Can I check to see how many centimeters you are?" Harry nodded his head. He laid back to where he back was on the pool side and his legs were is a squatting position pulled to his chest.

Payton checked to see how much dilated Harry was. According to her he was 8 centimeters. "You are doing spectacular." After she had said that Harry felt something pop.

"I think my water just broke." Harry looked down between his legs and sure enough he water did break. "Ah. Shit. This hurts." Harry moans in pain. He knew it will hurt he prepared himself for it. But he was doubting himself. "Lou can you come in here with me? Please?" He wanted to be held and comforted.

"Sure. Should I be naked too or just in my boxers?" He wanted harry to be as comfortable as possible.

"Boxers are just fine." Harry was nervous. Even though this is his second pregnancy he a nervous reck.

Harry watched as Louis got into the pool with him. Harry sat up at bit so Louis could get behind him. He sat between Louis legs with his legs pulled to his chest.

"I need to push. I need to push!" Harry felt pressure. He wants to push.

"No Harry don't push yet. Breath through it." Payton checked Harry again. He is 10 centimeters dilated. That was a fast change. But she knew that Harry had a plan. Only her and him knew.

"Please. I need to push. Please." Harry begged. Payton gave him the okay.

Louis watch as his husband's face turned red. He whispered sweet saying into Harry's ear. While he was doing that he also heard Payton counting down form 10.

𝑩𝒆 𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒂 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒅Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ