Ch.3 Stay with Me (Part 2)

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It was dinner time at the Park's.

"How was your day, my loves?" Mrs. Park looked at her precious daughter and son.

"Just another average day at school." Gunwook responded. "What about you, eomma? Did you have a good day?"

"Yes, your appa was free for lunch today, so I went to have lunch with him somewhere near his clinic."

"Aww eomma, appa, it's cute how you still always try to make time to go on dates together."

Between Eunbyeol and Gunwook, Gunwook was the energetic and lively one, more like their mother, while Eunbyeol was the quiet and calm one, like their father. Mr. Park was a dentist, and Mrs. Park worked as a pharmacist, which probably explained why both Eunbyeol and Gunwook were so good at science. Mr. and Mrs. Park were the type of parents who gave their children space to explore their own interests and placed their children's happiness as their first priority.

"Appa, Eomma, I have something to say." After some hesitation, Eunbyeol spoke. "Our class teacher told me today that I got a full scholarship offer from the Science High School for the Gifted."

"Heol, you are awesome, Noona. Full scholarship? That school's tuition is crazy expensive, and it isn't like anyone could get in. You have to be smart, like really, really smart. So you're basically a genius, Noona."

Eunbyeol didn't think she was that intelligent. She wasn't gifted with an abnormally high IQ or anything like that; it was more like she always worked as diligently as she could, and her hard work had paid off. Besides, she didn't have any other interests or hobbies, allowing her to give her full attention to her studies.

"I'm so proud of you, darling." Mrs. Park commended her daughter.

"So, are you planning to accept the offer?" Mr. Park noticed the hesitation in his daughter's voice.

"I'm still thinking about it."

"Noona, what is there to think about? I literally can't think of a single reason why you shouldn't take that offer."

"Gunwook-ah, I'm sure your sister knows what she's doing. Take all the time you need to think it through, Eunbyeol." Mr. Park looked at Eunbyeol assuringly.

After dinner, Mrs. Park went to shower, and Gunwook went back to his room to study, while Eunbyeol and Mr. Park were in the kitchen washing dishes.

"Appa, would you think I'm foolish if I don't take up the scholarship offer?"

"I don't think I'm qualified enough to call someone who got a full scholarship offer from a prestigious high school foolish."

"Appa, don't tease me. No, but honestly, what would you think?"

"Do you mind telling me what's going on in your mind right now?"

"Everyone has been telling me how valuable this opportunity is, and I completely understand that. But it's just that I never considered going to a school for the gifted. Now that I'm asked to properly consider it, I don't think I like the idea either. People assumed I was happy and thrilled about it, but I wasn't. I know I perform better than others in school, but not once did I consider myself gifted because I knew how hard I worked for it. I don't want to be placed in an environment where my value is going to be determined by how smart I am or how well I do in school. You could argue that schools are made to be like that, but could you imagine how much worse it would be in a school for gifted students? Maybe I'm overthinking things, but I can't help but think that the fact that I'm so stressed about this is telling me that the offer is just not for me." Eunbyeol put her thoughts into words in an eloquent manner that even she was surprised by.

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