Joe with unlimited Gaga references
up his ass

yaz❣️Joe with unlimited Gaga references up his ass

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I just bust out laughing

that is the realest joke
i've ever seen😭😭😭😭

joseph :D

free willy
Stop the violence!

corinna <33
What is happening?!

guys we should go out tonight

i need to find someone to make out
with so i can get over rose once
and for alllllll

joseph :D
Kit, Seb, and I get off at midnight tonight :(

ughhh and i have to shoot early

Maybe we can just throw a
little get together or something
at one of our houses?


little movie night sleepover perhaps?


Girl i'm coming over early


"So, Kit told me about the other day," Yaz started, the two girls were sat on Eli's messily made bed. Emelia let out a sigh before falling into her soft, mustard yellow colored duvet. Yaz followed her lead, the duo staring at the blank ceiling as they laid next to eachother.

"I don't know if i'm ever going to get over her." Eli's voice was just barely audible, almost as if she was talking to herself.

She turned her head, locking eyes Yaz who had, unbeknownst to her, been studying the side of Emelia's face the whole time.

"I don't think you can ever get over your first real love, angel. It will always hurt, but then you'll find your new person, and everything will feel ten times stronger." Yaz explained, watching as her friend's eyes turned glassy.

"I miss her so much..." Emelia sits up, wiping a single tear off her cheek.

Yaz follow suit, lying her head on her friend's shoulder.

"God, i'm so tired of crying over her!" Eli exclaims, standing up swiftly and pulling Yaz up with her.

"Come on, let's go set up some blankets. They should be here soon." The girls make their through the flat.

"Do you think they're asleep?" Kit leaned over and whispered into the blonde's ear, the two of them staring at a cuddling Joe and Sebastian on the other side of the couch.

"Oh, one hundred percent" Eli laughed out quietly, tugging her and Kit's shared blanket over her exposed legs.

Yaz was already knocked out in Emelia's bed, the end credits to 'Mamma Mia!' playing on the large screen infront of them.

"I'm still not tired..." Kit turned to the girl, leaning back into the sofa.

A comfortable silence filled the air as Eli studied the boys face.

Her lips tilted into a small smile as she observed the freckles on his cheeks, leftover makeup left on his chin from filming earlier that night. His hair was styled neatly, a single strand going rouge and falling onto his forehead. It was a unique color, too red to be brunette but not warm enough to be ginger. His natural pink lips complemented his soft hazel eyes as he gleamed at the blondie.

Eli snapped out of it, clearing her throat as the two reluctantly scooted away from eachother.

"Well, you know what helps me sleep?" Eli stood up, holding her hands out to pull Kit off the couch.

"What?" Kit takes her hands with a smirk, keeping all of his weight on the couch as she tries to pull him up. He quietly laughs at her struggling and grunting before finally standing up.

"C'mon, we're going to make some hot cocoa!" Emelia exclaims, earning a 'shhh' from Kit as she practically skipped to her kitchen.

"How about you drink hot chocolate, and I drink night time tea?" Kit leans against the granite counters, arms crossed in-front of him.

"God, you are so british..." Emelia trails off, struggling to grab the tea bags from the top shelf.

"God, you are so british..." Kit mocks the girl, an over exaggerated american accent sliding off his tongue.

Eli lets out an offended huff, playfully smacking his shoulder.

"You know what, you can get your own tea now!" Emelia crossed her arms jokingly as Kit pulls the tea down from the top shelf with ease.

"I hate you." She rolls her eyes, a smile on her lips.

"Oh, yeah? You hate me, huh?" Kit smirks as he slowly sneaks up to her.

He lunges toward the blonde, hands magnetizing toward her hips.

"No!" Is that last thing that can be heard before she breaks into fits of laughter, Kit tickeling her mercilessly.

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