Chapter 17

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*Y/N Pov*

It's been a few hours since the party started and it's been going pretty well. Rias's peerage arrived though they were late because of the stuff with Koneko. I was able to spend time with Rias, my family, friends, and Rias's parents. Thankfully chicken shit wasn't invited since I almost freaked out seeing Ravel and her parents. I would ruin this party because of him, but probably not since I don't want to ruin Rias's party. The party only has about 30 minutes before people are gonna leave. They all understand... I think. Since almost every family has a big party then has a personal party where they get presents. So I guess this is the best time for me to give Rias the second gift I "got" her.

Me: Rias I'll be right back, gotta use the bathroom.

Rias: 'Kay don't fall in.

Me: I'll try not to.

I kiss her on the cheek making her blush with a smile before leaving the ballroom. I don't actually have to use the bathroom, instead, I head to a side room before teleporting onto the stage in the ballroom used for... well anything. But for today I'll be using it to sing a song for Rias, she's constantly begging me to sing for her after she heard me singing in the shower once. I teleport just beside the curtains to the sides of the stage. I also teleported a guitar into my hands so I don't have to use another thing to make the background music. The entire time I'm constantly thinking about the videos I've seen where similar events like this went bad. The thought of being laughed at by everyone runs through my mind.

No... I can do this, I've been playing guitar and singing since I was young. I easily learned the notes of songs thanks to my older sister who learned it over the 500 years she's been alive, so I can do this... I know I can. I take a deep breath before walking onto the stage and up to the microphone that stands in the middle along with a stool. I tap the mic a few times making a fairly loud sound to get everyone's attention.

Me: Sorry for bothering you all but there's something I need to do before you all leave. But first... can Rias Gremory please come to the front.

A few seconds after I say that people begin moving aside and I see Rias walking towards me embarrassed. But she's holding herself well, unless you know her well enough you wouldn't be able to tell. She stops as she gets up to the front and she stares at me.

Me: So... as my parents along with her parents revealed tonight. Rias Gremory is my fiance, we've known for months... but we've been dating for over a year without knowing we were engaged to each other. I don't know if I tell you enough Rias but I do love you... I love you a lot. Many of you see her as the Crimson-Haired Ruin Princess, Princess of Destruction, or Heir to the Gremory clan. But to me... she's just Rias. The kind, smart, beautiful, loving girl who'd do anything to protect the ones she cares about... So I want to show you all how much I love her, but when I thought about what I should say I would've been talking for hours. So I put it into a song to hopefully get some of my feelings across. S-So I hope you all enjoy.. especially you Rias.

I clear my throat as I take another deep breath while adjusting the tuning of my guitar. After I finish... it's go time.

As I finish the song I stare at the ground with a blush on my face scared to look up because I'm not sure how they're gonna react. I finally gain the courage to look up and don't see anyone reacting so I just thank everyone for listening.

Me: I don't know how good it was but thank you all for listening.

I stand up from the stool before bowing to everyone and exiting the stage from the way I came from. My fears are destroyed when I hear everyone begin to clap and cheer from the ballroom. I decide to just teleport to the living room where our families are gonna be celebrating our birthdays without the huge crowd. I set down the guitar against the couch before flopping down. I cover my face from the sheer embarrassment of what I have just done. But I stop yelling into my hands when I feel a weight on my lap. I take my hands off my face as I open my eyes and just like I guessed... it's Rias.

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