𝐢. old woman with cats

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CHAPTER ONE ❝ old woman with cats ❞

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❝ old woman with cats ❞

          ESTE couldn't count how many eyes were looking at her the second she entered the town. fairview, connecticut is a small town. is the type of town where everyone knows everyone. everyone knows the latest gossip. everyone knows your past and how you are connected with. it's a small town inside of a small world.

este came back from her being away for an entire year. she was in california for community college before she transfers to the university that she wants. but she dropped out. one year. she dropped out. este isn't going to tell her family that, they don't need to know. better yet, they don't need to know the reason why she dropped out.

but este didn't want to stay back in california where the only person she has is her aunt and two hairless cats who seem to want to injure her every single time she enters the kitchen. she misses her cats. the ones back at home probably sitting in her room.

ponyo and azreal. ponyo was the grey cat with lighter grey color stripes on her back. azreal is an orange cat who craved attention twenty-four-seven but is picky with who's attention he wants. este misses her cats dearly but she knows they're taken care of.

she in charged her little sister, pippa or pip, to take care of her cats. they have a house dog which is mostly pip's dog, barnie so este knew that ponyo and azreal were left in good hands. pip loves those cats more than her own sister.

este could imagine pip bringing the three animals inside of her room, laid down on her body as she typed away on her computer. she smiled at the thought. yeah, her kids were left in good hands. este started getting more eager to get there as her thoughts were know eating her alive in a good way.

she was one block away. sure, she couldn't gotten a ride over there but it was still the summer. july to be exactly. almost august. she didn't want to suffer inside of another shuttle any longer when she knows how to get to her house from the start of town or any part of town.

este ignored everyone stares. she was used to it, especially after the death of andrea bell. and they are never good faithful looks. they're not looks that make people feel sorry for her because they have seen andie and her talk even outside of school. it was because they were so deep into their own minds.

they know that este talked with the singh brothers and used to be inside of their house almost every wednesday, friday or saturday. they used to watch este enter and exit their house with a bright smile on her lips. backpack always over her shoulder, skipping her way back to her house that wasn't so far away from the singh's house.

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